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100+ Inspiring Anne Lamott Quotes to Enlighten Your Day

anne lamott quotes

Anne Lamott is an inspirational writer known for her profound insights on life, faith, and human connection. Her quotes often capture the human condition with humor, warmth, and candid realism. They speak to our innermost struggles and triumphs and are imbued with wisdom that resonates universally. In this compilation, you'll find a selection of Anne Lamott's quotes that touch on everything from spirituality to creativity, presented under 10 distinct themes. Each section gathers a unique aspect of Lamott's genius, offering comfort, provoking thought, and inspiring a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Dive in to discover the transformative power of Anne Lamott’s words and let them inspire your journey.

Quotes on Writing

  • “Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere.”
  • “You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.”
  • “Close doors. You don’t let the animals in. Let them have their privacy to do their work.”
  • “Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor, the enemy of the people.”
  • “Good writing is about telling the truth. We are a species that needs and wants to understand who we are.”
  • “Writing motivates. It calls for you to open up and to give your very best self.”
  • “Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come.”
  • “Nothing is as important as a likable narrator. Nothing holds a story together better.”
  • “You can get a great deal done from a place of rest.”
  • “Read everything you can get your hands on.”
  • “Think of all that you are instead of all that you aren't.”
  • “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”
  • Quotes on Faith

  • “Faith includes trying to change what you can, but also to be open to life in all its mystery and not to give up.”
  • “Hope is not about proving anything. It's about choosing to believe and rely on God's love.”
  • “Sometimes hope is simply a choice of the heart left open against all the evidence, knowing that together we can survive what seems impossible.”
  • “Prayer means asking for help, even when you don’t know what form it will take.”
  • “Almost everything will work if you unplug it for a few minutes. That includes you, so take a moment to renew faith.”
  • “To find an ultimately meaningful life, sometimes one has to embrace the paradoxes of faith.”
  • “Faith is not certainty, but the decision to continue through the unknown.”
  • “In the darkness, healing is a whisper, quiet and soul-sustaining.”
  • “Faith is not a beanbag. It is not passive or pale. It is a shot to the heart.”
  • “Sometimes I think that Jesus watches my neurotic struggles with compassion.”
  • “The opposite of faith is not doubt; it is certainty.”
  • “We live stitch by stitch, forgetting how much the privileged can afford forget.”
  • Quotes on Life and Death

  • “Life is both a tragedy and comedy before it turns into a fairy tale.”
  • “We are who we are forever, rooted in the stories of our lives.”
  • “One of the reasons we’re alive is to be the community who saves the lives.”
  • “The miracles are in being alive for each other.”
  • “Grief, as painful as it is, is necessary. We have to walk through the fire of the emotions we are experiencing to feel human again.”
  • “Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled.”
  • “To feel deeply is to be tethered to life, and the reality of death does not break that link.”
  • “We die, and that is the alarming, shocking truth of life.”
  • “There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.”
  • “Hope increases meaning, makes us feel like participants in life, not just witnesses.”
  • “Laughter is carbonated holiness.”
  • “In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was an invincible summer in me.”
  • Quotes on Love

  • “I don't think you can ever expect anything of relationships.”
  • “It's love that keeps us soft and able. It's love, and it's humor.”
  • “I am no longer influenced once you love yourself.”
  • “Sometimes the best we can do is remind each other that we are loved and lovable.”
  • “Joy is the best makeup, but a little eye pencil seemed essential.”
  • “Find out and celebrate what makes you unique and love that version of yourself.”
  • “At the heart of celebration is the love of life itself.”
  • “Beloved, your survival is great; rest, not panic.”
  • “Love is the garden of the psyche where compassion grows.”
  • “The truest beauty blooms from the heart, not the face.”
  • “When we dare to love, we heal the world as well as ourselves.”
  • “Grace meets us where we are, but does not leave us where it found us.”
  • Quotes on Change

  • “Change is a constant re-acclimation to the fresh unknowability of life.”
  • “If you don’t change, you don’t grow.”
  • “Change is variable. Acceptance is constant.”
  • “Courage is about not letting things shatter you.”
  • “When life changes us with brilliance, trivial things fall off.”
  • “Growth is always a win, and always progress.”
  • “Healthy change is incremental; it doesn't knock you over.”
  • “Complexities mask simplicity; just let them go.”
  • “Abrupt changes can shed the skin of yesterday.”
  • “Transformation opens up a vivid new drizzle of illumination.”
  • “Radical stimulus can transcend comfortable boundaries.”
  • “Nurture your principle-led changes, as having wings.”
  • Quotes on Friendship

  • “Friendship allows laughter and tears to echo.”
  • “Say yes to kindness, especially in friendship.”
  • “Friends don't have to dress to impress, their warmth is adornment.”
  • “A good friendship is knowing your survival context resonates.”
  • “Friendship is a promise kept with taste.”
  • “To have a friend is to listen to the universe and sing.”
  • “Angels arms find you in the people beside us.”
  • “The best friendships reveal unrecognized abilities.”
  • “Cherished friends move you back into alignment.”
  • “To see oneself truly is the greatest friendship.”
  • “Glorious friendships grow in the richness of shared experiences.”
  • “Taste the friendship when it's offered; it's never lost.”
  • Quotes on Humility

  • “Go ahead and ask for help and guidance.”
  • “Grace helps rediscover your vulnerabilities.”
  • “There is beauty in the courage of vulnerability.”
  • “Ego drains; humility resists your wisdom enabler.”
  • “Vulnerability grounds us in reality.”
  • “Humility listens, sabre-tongued wisdom resists.”
  • “A humble soul finds calls coming.”
  • “To be humble is to keep growing.”
  • “Openness, gentleness, support; humility's doorways.”
  • “A quiet mind breathes inspiration freely.”
  • “Find great treasure in simplicity.”
  • “In the humility of receiving, gifts flow anew.”
  • Quotes on Grace

  • “Grace is all around. Look for it under your everyday.”
  • “Collect the litter of grace, when discovered.”
  • “Only grace lets us go beyond the familiar.”
  • “Where limits exist, grace meets possibilities.”
  • “A grace-filled heart finds new blueprints there.”
  • “Unexpected wonders grow in the soil of grace.”
  • “Grace outlives us, creating new narratives.”
  • “Keep close the maps of grace.”
  • “Creative energies affect us more vibrantly when filled with grace.”
  • “Sculpt the world with grace and measure of kindness.”
  • “A gentle heart treads lightly with gracious impact.”
  • “Grace unfolds us wonderfully in her talented frame.”
  • Quotes on Compassion

  • “Lead with compassion in every choice.”
  • “Compassion gardens in moments of silence.”
  • “An open soul heroically breathes compassion.”
  • “Selves shattered by compassion become loved anew.”
  • “Through the cracks of pain, compassion shines through.”
  • “Alleviating another's troubles involves a lifetime of compassion.”
  • “Compassion travels softly, deftly.”
  • “Listen carefully, and find reborn compassion.”
  • “The heart's most relatable soundtrack: compassion.”
  • “Grace helps gather the pieces back to compassion.”
  • “Compassion's wisdom remains steadfast.”
  • “In the spirit, quiet courage multiplies compassion.”
  • Quotes on Courage

  • “Faces turn towards the sun, seeking reliable courage.”
  • “Courage shows up in uncertainty with groundbreaking force.”
  • “Brave souls dare bravely to innovate.”
  • “The heart knows courage; the mind can be swayed.”
  • “Energize, and leap with courage.”
  • “Courage flies with laughing wings.”
  • “Creative courage catapults us above despair.”
  • “Courage reshapes the conversation and invites the pause.”
  • “Summon the heart's courage, when we are lost.”
  • “Change relies on the courageous voice to step out first.”
  • “Grit and gift converge; that's courageous creation.”
  • “Celebrate your courage for being present.”
  • Final words

    Anne Lamott’s words are a beacon that guides us through life’s challenges and celebrations, always reminding us of the beauty to be found in truth, faith, and human connections. She nudges us to reflect on our journey with humor and grace, often emphasizing the importance of writing, love, hope, and humility. Her quotes encourage us to embrace our imperfections, strive for growth, and seek solace in the shared human experience. Through her candid and profound insights, Lamott urges us to dig deeper into our own stories, see the world from a fresh perspective, and welcome all the colors of life. These insights not only encourage gentle bravery and resilience but also highlight the quiet power of compassion and grace to transform both individual lives and broader communities. As we walk our paths, her words continue to inspire us to make strides towards love and courage, hand in hand with others, while seeking authenticity in everything we do. Let Anne Lamott's words be ever-present companions on this winding path called life.

    Discover over 100 impactful quotes by Anne Lamott, offering wisdom, humor, and inspiration. Perfect for anyone seeking guidance and clarity in life's journey.

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