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100+ Church Sign Quotes to Inspire and Engage Your Community

church sign quotes

Welcome to the delightful world of church sign quotes! These short snippets, often humorous and thought-provoking, have the power to capture attention, stir hearts, and evoke smiles. In this article, we explore the creative, witty, and profound expressions that church signs have provided over the years. With ten unique subtitles, we will delve into a variety of themes ranging from faith and love to humor and inspiration. Each set offers 12 distinctive quotes that reflect the community spirit, wisdom, and warmth that churches share with passersby. Whether you're a regular churchgoer or simply someone who enjoys a good laugh, these quotes can brighten your day and provoke meaningful contemplation.

Faith-Filled Quotes

  • "Faith is like Wi-Fi: it's invisible, but it has the power to connect you."
  • "Prayer is the world's greatest wireless connection."
  • "When God is your priority, everything else falls into place."
  • "Faith: it does not make things easy, it makes them possible."
  • "God’s plan is always the best. Sometimes the process is painful and hard."
  • "If you pray when you're in trouble, you're in trouble."
  • "God loves us not because of who we are, but because of who He is."
  • "God gives miracles every moment. Just open your eyes."
  • "Let your faith be bigger than your fear."
  • "Faith sees the invisible, believes the impossible, and receives the incredible."
  • "A little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a great faith will bring heaven to your soul."
  • "If you are filled with pride, you will have no room for wisdom."
  • Inspirational Quotes

  • "Life is short. Eternity isn’t. Choose wisely."
  • "God never said the journey would be easy, but the arrival would be worthwhile."
  • "Need a lifeguard? Ours walks on water."
  • "Delay is not a denial from Him."
  • "It's hard to stumble when you're on your knees."
  • "This too shall pass, and God is here to help us through it."
  • "Remember, when life is not a bed of roses, there are still roots to cling to."
  • "Caught up in life's storms? We offer shelter."
  • "Stop, drop, and roll doesn’t work in hell. Kneel and pray instead."
  • "Be the Finger of God to touch the world."
  • "The church is a hospital for the sick, not a hotel for saints."
  • "The best vitamin for a believer is B1."
  • Humorous Quotes

  • "Honk if you love Jesus! Text while driving if you want to meet Him."
  • "Looking for a sign? This is it."
  • "Tweet others as you want to be tweeted."
  • "Church parking only. Violators will be baptized."
  • "God shows no favoritism, but our sign guy does."
  • "Read the Bible – it's user-friendly and has great apps!"
  • "Try our Sundays, they're better than Baskin Robbins."
  • "What is missing from CH_ _CH? U R."
  • "Forbidden fruit creates many jams. Don’t add to the collection."
  • "Parking space on earth; reserved space in heaven."
  • " Sin is not just breaking a rule; it’s breaking a heart."
  • "Need a blessing? Drop by on Sundays!"
  • Love and Forgiveness Quotes

  • "Forgiveness doesn't change the past, but it does enhance your future."
  • "Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs."
  • "The height of our love for God will never exceed the depth of our surrender to Him."
  • "Love your neighbor; after all, they're sinners too!"
  • "God does not remember your past sins. Love as He does."
  • "True love is not just about feelings; it's about choices."
  • "Love the sinner. Hate the sin."
  • "Be the love you wish to see in the world."
  • "God’s ‘Love Wins’ is not just a slogan; it’s a guarantee."
  • "Where love is planted, forgiveness blooms."
  • "Love is the one thing that we get more of when we give it away."
  • "God loves you more in a moment than anyone could in a lifetime."
  • Seasonal and Holiday Quotes

  • "Easter: the only time it’s OK to put all your eggs in one basket."
  • "Are you part of the inn crowd, or are you one of the stable few?"
  • "A lot can happen in three days. Think Easter."
  • "Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."
  • "May your holidays be as bright as your faith."
  • "New year, new grace, same God."
  • "Jesus: the reason for the season."
  • "The hole in our hearts was made for a baby born in a stable."
  • "Easter: proof that love cannot be killed."
  • "Autumn leaves, Jesus doesn’t."
  • "The miracle of Christmas is not in presents, but His presence."
  • "Fall back into church!”
  • Community Connection Quotes

  • "A church without love is like a car without a motor."
  • "Seeking volunteers for God’s work; apply within."
  • "Stop counting the problems, and start counting the resources."
  • "A community in harmony will be blessed with prosperity."
  • "In our church, you're not a number. You're a member."
  • "The best way to have a friend is to be one."
  • "Building bridges, not walls. That’s our goal."
  • "We worship the same God who fashioned the stars and the human heart."
  • "Family grows here."
  • "The church is not a museum for saints, but a hospital for sinners."
  • "Teamwork makes the dream work — join us!"
  • "Together we stand, divided we fall. Let us build God’s kingdom together."
  • Motivational Quotes

  • "When you’re down to nothing, God is up to something."
  • "Turn your worry into worship and watch God turn your battles into blessings."
  • "The devil trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon their knees."
  • "God never promised a smooth journey, but He does guarantee a safe landing."
  • "Your potential in God is limitless."
  • "Believe in the God who believes in you."
  • "Success is not the absence of failure; it’s the persistence through failure."
  • "Plug into Jesus, and light up your life!"
  • "With faith, a hopeless end gets turned into endless hope."
  • "Difficult times come to destroy, but with faith, they can be the foundation of greater blessings."
  • "Let go of your problems and let God handle them."
  • "Opportunity may knock, but it’s down to you to open the door."
  • Quotes on Grace

  • "Grace: God’s riches at Christ’s expense."
  • "Grace is the voice that calls us to change and gives us the power to pull it off."
  • "In grace, God gives nothing less than Himself."
  • "Grace isn’t a little prayer you say before you eat. It’s a way of life."
  • "The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you."
  • "You can never sink lower than the arms of grace can reach."
  • "Grace means there is nothing we can do to make God love us more and nothing we can do to make God love us less."
  • "Grace found us broken, He’ll leave us beautifully whole."
  • "Grace turns troubles into triumphs, and trials into testimonies."
  • "We can’t out-sin God’s grace."
  • "Grace does not demand perfection but offers redemption."
  • "By His wounds, we are healed - that’s the essence of grace."
  • Hope and Healing Quotes

  • "Hope is seeing light in the midst of darkness."
  • "God promises a safe arrival not a smooth passage. Hope anchors the soul."
  • "There is healing in His wings."
  • "Don’t lose hope when the sun goes down, because the stars come out."
  • "Every storm in life’s journey clears up into a rainbow of hope."
  • "God is the ultimate doctor. His version of a prognosis is never a guess."
  • "Place your hope in God, and you will never be disappointed."
  • "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."
  • "Healing is not just about overcoming sickness, but also finding peace in the midst of turmoil."
  • "The future starts with hope and ends with healing."
  • "He provides strength, and we hold onto hope."
  • "Cast your cares on the Lord, and He will sustain you."
  • Life and Wisdom Quotes

  • "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain."
  • "Wisdom is having the power to change your future by learning from your past."
  • "God is the author of life, and we are His notepads."
  • "Don't put a question mark where God has already put a period."
  • "There’s no phone signal in a storm, but praying to God ensures He’s connected."
  • "With wisdom, life is a journey. Without it, life is simply an experience."
  • "Listen for God. He opens doors no one can shut."
  • "Wisdom begins with wonder, but it grows through understanding."
  • "In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years."
  • "If life throws you stones, use them to build a stronger foundation."
  • "Through any storm, He offers solid ground."
  • "The goodness of God is reflected when we use wisdom to shape our lives."
  • Final words

    Church sign quotes have long been a venue for creativity that engages with both regular church visitors and passersby. These pithy sayings serve as a bridge connecting people with deep spiritual reflection or a simple moment of joy in everyday life. This collection of quotes on various aspects like faith, love, humor, and community showcases the diversity in messages churches around the world are sharing. As mini-sermons viewed from behind car windows, church signs offer nuggets of truth, love, and hope, proving that sometimes, all it takes is a few words to leave a lasting impact. They remind us that wisdom, humor, and faith can coexist beautifully, offering both inspiration and a gentle push towards introspection and positive action.

    Discover over 100 creative and thought-provoking church sign quotes to captivate your audience and spread meaningful messages. Perfect for inspiring your congregation.

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