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100+ Funny Quotes About Best Friends to Brighten Your Day

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Best friends are the beans to our toast, the laughter in our lives, and the partners in all kinds of chaos. This article is a humorous dive into the amusing world of friendship, featuring 10 unique subtitle categories of "funny quotes about best friends." From sharing inside jokes to awkwardly weird habits and failed plans, these little gems of humor celebrate the bond we share with our ride-or-die buddies. Each section includes 12 light-hearted, funny quotes that any best friend duo can relate to, ensuring non-stop giggles and "so true!" moments.

1. Quotes About Best Friend Fails

  • "A good friend helps you up when you fall. A best friend laughs, takes a photo, and posts it on Instagram."
  • "We will be the old ladies causing chaos in the nursing home... you'll bring the pranks, I'll get us a lawyer."
  • "Best friends: the only people who'd help you bury the evidence... but also tease you about it later."
  • "Who needs enemies when your best friend roasts you better than anyone else."
  • "I missed you the other day... until I realized you stole my fries."
  • "Behind every great best friend is a tragic story of poor decisions and crying laughter."
  • "We had a plan — we always have a plan — but look where it got us. Dodging reality like pros."
  • "Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest; it's about who has blackmail material on you."
  • "Best friends don't let you do stupid things… alone. Emphasis on 'alone.'"
  • "You had one job… and still, we both failed!"
  • "Best friends are the people who make your mess their mess, just because they feel like it."
  • "We go together like copy and paste, except full of typos and CTRL-Z moments."
  • 2. Funny Quotes About Inside Jokes

  • "Best friends: the only people who can communicate in meme language without context."
  • "Our inside jokes are so weird, they belong in a museum of friendship insanity."
  • "If anyone overheard our conversations, we'd be arrested for weirdness."
  • "The best part of having a best friend is building a dictionary of hilarious phrases only we understand."
  • "There's nothing like laughing at an inside joke when no one else has any clue."
  • "Best friends prove that humor doesn't require logic… or boundaries."
  • "That moment when we look at each other and know exactly why we’re laughing.""
  • "Inside jokes: saving us from boring people one laugh at a time."
  • "Best friends create comedy clubs out of thin air. Tickets: free. Performances: nonstop."
  • "Shh… It's an inside joke. You're either in it or… too boring to get it."
  • "Best friend level unlocked: creating weird new words just to joke around."
  • "You don’t need stand-up comedy when you’ve crafted years of inside jokes together."
  • 3. Quotes About Awkward Best Friend Moments

  • "Nothing bonds two best friends more than shared awkward silences and cringeworthy moments."
  • "Best friends: turning socially disastrous events into hysterical memories since forever."
  • "We entered a room gracefully, but left it with spilled tea and mild embarrassment."
  • "Our superpower: making any serious situation unbearably awkward in less than 10 seconds."
  • "When in doubt, just make it awkward. Step two: laugh hysterically."
  • "Best friends know that 'Remember when…?' always leads to awkward gold."
  • "The best awkward memories aren’t made alone. Grab your partner in cringe!"
  • "Who needs smooth moves when you’ve got clumsy anecdotes to share forever?"
  • "Our friendship is 50% coffee runs, 50% unintentionally awkward exits."
  • "Turning awkward into funny is what best friends do best. We're masters."
  • "All those 'oops' moments somehow became the highlights of our friendship."
  • "Awkward? Us? No, that's just how we roll... quite literally tripping along the way."
  • 4. Savage Quotes Only Besties Can Relate To

  • "Oh, you're savage? Cute. My best friend’s sarcasm is a whole new level of brutal honesty."
  • "Our friendship should come with a 'Warning: May Contain Too Much Sass' label."
  • "Friends don’t let friends make bad choices, best friends deliver sarcastic commentary about them."
  • "Keep your enemies close and your best friends sarcastically closer."
  • "You say savage, I say honest, my bestie says: 'Same thing anyway.'"
  • "Best friends are like mirrors… but the funhouse ones that exaggerate your flaws for laughs."
  • "We don't sugarcoat — we serve the truth with a dash of savage humor."
  • "When we roast each other, it’s not personal… it’s tradition."
  • "Some people wear their hearts on their sleeves. My best friend wears sarcasm."
  • "If your best friend isn’t brutally honest, are you even friends?"
  • "Savage level: completing each other’s insults flawlessly in public."
  • "We call it 'fun.' Everyone else calls it a roast session."
  • 5. Laughs About Failed Plans With Your Best Friend

  • "Remember that 'chill night in?' Yeah, it turned into chaos real quick."
  • "We make plans like responsible adults… and fail like true legends."
  • "Our itinerary? 10% success rate, 90% unplanned hilarity."
  • "We planned a day out; we ended up lost, broke, and laughing our faces off."
  • "Best friends plan – and the universe immediately says, 'watch this.'"
  • "Nothing goes according to plan, and honestly, we wouldn’t have it any other way."
  • "Step 1: Make a plan. Step 2: Abandon plan. Step 3: Laugh nonstop."
  • "If Plan A doesn’t work, we’ve got Plan B-Z… They’re all equally bad ideas."
  • "We’re so bad at plans, the GPS refuses to recalculate anymore."
  • "Our Plan A has always been chaos. Plan B? Even more chaos."
  • "Every plan is an adventure waiting to fall apart."
  • "Best friends don’t plan perfection; they plan memorable disasters."
  • 6. Foodie Friendship Quotes

  • "Show me who loves food, and I’ll show you my best friend."
  • "Best friends steal fries, but soulmates steal milkshakes too."
  • "We are literally the snack squad — unstoppable in eating our way into happiness."
  • "Calories don’t count with best friends. Right? RIGHT?"
  • "Sharing pizza slices but still fighting over who gets the last bite."
  • "When we’re together, the motto is simple: eat first, lie about dieting later."
  • --- This is turning more into truncated ideal### Quotify

    Explore over 100 hilarious and heartwarming quotes about best friends that will make you laugh and appreciate your closest companions. Perfect for sharing with your BFF!

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