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100+ Iconic Harvey Specter Quotes from Suits: A Masterclass in Wit and Wisdom

harvey from suits quotes

Summary: Harvey Specter, an iconic character from the TV series "Suits," has captivated audiences worldwide with his sharp wit, unmatched confidence, and relentless pursuit of success. His quotes serve as a masterclass in the art of negotiation, personal strength, and professional prowess. Fans and professionals alike draw inspiration from Harvey's words, often finding motivation for both their personal and professional lives. This collection of quotes, divided into ten categories, encapsulates the multifaceted personality of Harvey Specter and his powerful approach to life and business.

Motivational Harvey Quotes

  • "I don’t have dreams. I have goals."
  • "Win a no-win situation by rewriting the rules."
  • "It’s not about what you want. It’s about what you’re willing to do to get it."
  • "When you’re backed against the wall, break the goddamn thing down."
  • "Let them hate, just make sure they spell your name right."
  • "You always have a choice."
  • "The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary."
  • "Life is this. I like this."
  • "I refuse to answer that on the grounds that I don't want to."
  • "Winners don’t make excuses."
  • "I’m against having emotions, not using them."
  • "Never let the other side see you sweat."
  • Harvey on Success Quotes

  • "Success is not about luck. It's about hard work."
  • "The success you seek is in the results you make."
  • "If you settle for nothing now, you’ll settle for nothing later."
  • "First impressions last. You start behind the eight ball, you’ll never get in front."
  • "I win. That’s what I do."
  • "You want to lose small, I want to win big."
  • "I never have to talk people into signing onto my deals."
  • "I like to smile at people who don’t like me."
  • "The only person I need results from is – you guessed it – me."
  • "Focus on making yourself better. Not on thinking that you are better."
  • "I'm not interested in great. I want incredible."
  • "I don’t follow orders, I interpret them."
  • Harvey Specter Leadership Quotes

  • "I don’t play the odds, I play the man."
  • "Sometimes good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay."
  • "I don’t have dreams. I have goals."
  • "That’s the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."
  • "We're like the Navy Seals, we get in and we get out."
  • "I don’t have a problem. I just have a talent for solutions."
  • "I just wanted to let you know that you can’t have it both ways - I’ll make sure of it."
  • "I don't have friends; I have people I don't know that well yet."
  • "Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself."
  • "You are nothing until you are a success."
  • "I never lose. That's my way."
  • "Do what you do best and you will win."
  • Harvey on Self-Confidence

  • "You’re never going to win big if you’re afraid to lose."
  • "I don’t get lucky. I make my own luck."
  • "I don’t give a damn what anyone else thinks."
  • "Confidence is what you have before you understand the problem."
  • "Winners don't make excuses when the other side plays the game."
  • "Work hard, play hard."
  • "If you don't like what they are saying about you, change the conversation."
  • "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."
  • "I don’t fire people, I promote them to customers."
  • "My respect isn’t demanded, it’s earned."
  • "Kill them with success, and bury them with a smile."
  • "No one just hands you anything, you have to take it."
  • Harvey on Success and Strategy

  • "The best defense is a good offense."
  • "Never underestimate the power of strategically applied pressure."
  • "Stay out of my way or you’ll pay."
  • "I believe in charging more and giving less."
  • "I could be drinking a juice box and still kick your ass."
  • "Never wound what you can’t kill."
  • "Not caring is the ultimate freedom."
  • "Make choices, take risks, and never look back."
  • "Break the record, don’t trick the referee."
  • "Have goals so big you get uncomfortable telling small-minded people."
  • "I don't have time for suits that don't suit."
  • "An unknown error is not a mistake."
  • Harvey Specter Quotes on Risk

  • "Risk is what distinguishes people who achieve from people who dream."
  • "Big risks, big rewards."
  • "If you're afraid to fail, you'll never succeed."
  • "You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take."
  • "Find what you’re afraid of and go live there."
  • "I'd rather go too far than not far enough."
  • "If you work hard enough, luck will come your way."
  • "Growth isn't measured by your stability."
  • "Don't play the odds, play the man."
  • "Greatness comes from taking risks."
  • "Acting your way into a position is sometimes the only way to get there."
  • "The greater the risk, the greater the reward."
  • Harvey on Overcoming Challenges

  • "If you’re not taking risks, you’re not moving forward."
  • "Success is like being pregnant; everyone says congratulations, but nobody asks how many times you were screwed."
  • "Life is going to present challenges to you—how you handle them is what counts."
  • "I will not back down. I don’t care how black the paint, I am the storm."
  • "It’s time to let go of the hand that holds you back."
  • "Your excuses will never explain your success."
  • "If you can’t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen."
  • "I never expect anything less than extraordinary from ordinary."
  • "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."
  • "The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself."
  • "I never settle for less than I deserve."
  • "I don’t care what it costs. I’m winning this thing."
  • Harvey on Life and Balance Quotes

  • "Forget pearls of wisdom. You need buckets of common sense."
  • "What you need to do is get over it and move on."
  • "Life has two rules: 1) Never quit. 2) Always remember rule #1."
  • "Find your passion and make it your life."
  • "You can’t discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."
  • "Your attitude determines your altitude."
  • "Life isn’t what you do at the back, it’s what you do at the front."
  • "You never learn anything from life if you think you’re always right."
  • "The questions you ask determine the answers you get."
  • "Wine improves with age, and so do I."
  • "You only need three things in life: love, your mind, and a good scotch."
  • "Balance isn’t something you find, it’s something you create."
  • Harvey on Winning Quotes

  • "Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing."
  • "Sometimes success requires allowing others to fail."
  • "I choose to win instead of letting an opportunity pass by."
  • "The difference between a winner and a loser is perseverance."
  • "Winning is about mindset. If you don't believe it, you won't achieve it."
  • "Losers focus on winners. Winners focus on winning."
  • "You can tell a lot about how someone deals with losing by how they win."
  • "The real victory in life is winning yourself."
  • "If there’s one thing I know, it’s that I never back down."
  • "If you can’t outplay them, outthink them."
  • "Win or lose, learn to keep your composure."
  • "There’s a difference between having confidence and being delusional."
  • Iconic Harvey Specter Quotes

  • "The better you dress, the worse you can behave."
  • "I never make the same mistake twice. I make it five or six times, just to be sure."
  • "Winners don’t make excuses."
  • "Sometimes good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay."
  • "Life is a game, play it like chess."
  • "You wanna change your life? Change the way you think."
  • "Don’t waste your time with explanations, people only hear what they want to hear."
  • "Destroy the doubt; whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger."
  • "Life is not just what you achieve, but what you overcome."
  • "If your problem has a solution, why worry? If it doesn't, why worry?"
  • "The real you is proven when they don't believe in you."
  • "Beneath every suit lies a man come to prove himself."
  • Final words

    The wisdom of Harvey Specter transcends the confines of a fictional TV show and finds relevance in real-world scenarios, particularly in business and personal development. His quotes are not mere lines from a television script; they are guiding principles for those pursuing success, leadership, and inner strength. Through unwavering determination and sharp insight, Harvey inspires countless individuals to break boundaries, embrace challenges, and cultivate a resilient mindset. Whether you're negotiating in the boardroom or navigating life's hurdles, Harvey Specter's words remind us that true power lies in confidence, strategy, and the will to never settle for anything less than the extraordinary. Embrace these principles and let them guide your journey to success.

    Explore over 100 famous Harvey Specter quotes from the hit TV show Suits. Discover the wit and wisdom of one of television's most charismatic characters. Perfect for fans and inspiration seekers alike.

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