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100+ Terrifying Horror Movie Quotes to Send Chills Down Your Spine

horror movie quotes

Horror movies have an indelible impact on our psyche, providing thrills and chills that can linger long after the credits roll. They often feature dialogue that becomes iconic, encapsulating fear, suspense, and sometimes humor in unforgettable ways. This article explores horror movie quotes that have haunted audiences for generations, organized into ten distinct categories. Whether you're a seasoned horror fan or a curious newcomer, these quotes offer a glimpse into the madness, mystery, and malevolence that characterize the genre. Dive in to relive the spine-chilling moments that define horror cinema.

Classic Horror Quotes

  • "Here's Johnny!" - The Shining
  • "They're here." - Poltergeist
  • "It’s alive! It's alive!" - Frankenstein
  • "We all go a little mad sometimes." - Psycho
  • "Do you want to play a game?" - Saw
  • "I see dead people." - The Sixth Sense
  • "In space, no one can hear you scream." - Alien
  • "Heeere's Johnny!" - The Shining
  • "Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep." - A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • "You’re gonna need a bigger boat." - Jaws
  • "Be afraid... Be very afraid." - The Fly
  • "The power of Christ compels you." - The Exorcist
  • Psychological Horror Quotes

  • "I think we're in a dream state trying to find our way out." - Jacob's Ladder
  • "It was as if this plan had been with him all his life." - Shutter Island
  • "Sometimes the world of the living gets mixed up with the world of the dead." - The Others
  • "The only way to overcome something is to confront it." - Hereditary
  • "Do you like scary movies?" - Scream
  • "We are here to serve the seeker." - Midsommar
  • "We all go a little mad sometimes." - Psycho
  • "This is my design." - Hannibal
  • "Reality is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes." - Possession
  • "I never meant for any of this to happen." - The Babadook
  • "I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stranger." - The Dark Knight
  • "How do you tell if something’s a dream?" - Inception
  • Iconic Villain Quotes

  • "Why so serious?" - The Dark Knight
  • "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." - The Silence of the Lambs
  • "I am your father." - The Empire Strikes Back
  • "Would you like to play a game?" - Saw
  • "A census taker once tried to test me." - The Silence of the Lambs
  • "When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth." - Dawn of the Dead
  • "We all float down here." - It
  • "I'm every nightmare you've ever had." - IT
  • "Love to prove that you can. But you never will." - The Thing
  • "You'll float too." - It
  • "It's not the house that's haunted." - Insidious
  • "We have such sights to show you." - Hellraiser
  • Chilling Revelation Quotes

  • "There's something in this house, something evil." - The Amityville Horror
  • "The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for." - Se7en
  • "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." - The Usual Suspects
  • "The thing about playing chicken is that, when you lose, you lose big." - Carrie
  • "She just goes a little mad sometimes." - Psycho
  • "They’re coming to get you, Barbara." - Night of the Living Dead
  • "I am the devil, and I'm here to do the devil's work." - The Devil's Rejects
  • "You should be careful what you take for granted." - The Others
  • "The house knows what you fear." - Amityville Horror
  • "What an excellent day for an exorcism." - The Exorcist
  • "I feel a great weight." - Hereditary
  • "Your suffering will be legendary." - Hellraiser
  • Supernatural Horror Quotes

  • "The power of Christ compels you!" - The Exorcist
  • "Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep." - A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • "I am the one who comes for you." - The Grudge
  • "It's not the house that's haunted." - Insidious
  • "You opened it. We came." - Hellraiser
  • "Death is not the end." - Pet Sematary
  • "Do you believe in ghosts?" - The Others
  • "Paths to immortality lie in the senses." - The Others
  • "Sometimes dead is better." - Pet Sematary
  • "There’s something wrong with this house." - The Haunting of Hill House
  • "We're all mad here." - The Shining
  • "I see dead people." - The Sixth Sense
  • Personal Fear Quotes

  • "I’m afraid. I’m afraid, Dave." - 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • "This is my curse." - The Ring
  • "I'm every nightmare you've ever had." - IT
  • "I think we just picked up Dracula." - Van Helsing
  • "There’s something in the woods." - The Witch
  • "They’re coming to get you, Barbara." - Night of the Living Dead
  • "You cannot kill what you did not create." - Silent Hill
  • "How do you like it? How does it feel?" - Deliverance
  • "Be careful, they’re coming." - The Others
  • "I am nothing. No one." - American Psycho
  • "You’re going to die up there." - The Exorcist
  • "I'm coming for you, little girl." - Sinister
  • Paranormal Phenomena Quotes

  • "I am the devil, and I'm here to do the devil's work." - The Devil's Rejects
  • "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining
  • "I see dead people." - The Sixth Sense
  • "It's not the house that's haunted." - Insidious
  • "Do you believe in ghosts?" - The Others
  • "Sometimes they're in your mirror." - Oculus
  • "This house is clean." - Poltergeist
  • "Come play with us." - The Shining
  • "Someone has invoked Satan for their own ends." - The Exorcist
  • "Death is afraid of us." - The Others
  • "I'm your number one fan." - Misery
  • "The darkness is coming." - The Others
  • Survival Horror Quotes

  • "You’re gonna need a bigger boat." - Jaws
  • "We’re all mad here." - The Shining
  • "What’s your favorite scary movie?" - Scream
  • "They mostly come at night... mostly." - Aliens
  • "When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth." - Dawn of the Dead
  • "There’s someone in my room." - Paranormal Activity
  • "It’s not the house that’s haunted." - Insidious
  • "There's something out there waiting for us." - Predator
  • "Who will survive and what will be left of them?" - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • "There are things known and unknown. In between are The Doors." - The Doors
  • "I’ll be right back." - Scream
  • "They’re coming to get you, Barbara." - Night of the Living Dead
  • Thriller Horror Quotes

  • "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist." - The Usual Suspects
  • "You can’t change what you are." - Let the Right One In
  • "I don’t think there’s anything worse than being ordinary." - American Beauty
  • "This is no democracy. It is a dictatorship." - 28 Days Later
  • "You can't invite them in." - Let Me In
  • "Don't touch that dial." - Videodrome
  • "The price of silence is stillness and agony." - The Others
  • "It's alive, it's alive!" - Frankenstein
  • "I am your father." - The Empire Strikes Back
  • "I want to tear you apart." - Let the Right One In
  • "People are strange when you’re a stranger." - The Lost Boys
  • "There’s always room for crying." - World War Z
  • Cult Horror Quotes

  • "Let's face it, Sid. Mom was no Sharon Stone." - Scream
  • "Nobody trusts anybody now." - The Thing
  • "We're gonna play a little game, baby!" - Saw
  • "People don’t disappear without a trace usually." - Gone Girl
  • "The children of the night, what music they make!" - Dracula
  • "They're coming for you, Barbara!" - Night of the Living Dead
  • "Don’t look at her, keep moving!" - The Others
  • "A boy's best friend is his mother." - Psycho
  • "Sometimes dead is better." - Pet Sematary
  • "The power of the dark side." - Star Wars
  • "Wanna play a game?" - Saw
  • "A census taker once tried to test me." - The Silence of the Lambs
  • Final words

    Horror movies have a unique power to captivate and terrify audiences, and their quotes often leave a lasting impact. By revisiting these spine-chilling quotes, we delve into the essence of what makes horror so enticing. The quotes showcase the diversity within the genre, from psychological fears to supernatural haunts, from survival challenges to cult classics. They reveal our deepest fears and remind us of the intrigue of confronting the unknown. As the horror genre continues to reinvent itself, these poignant and terrifying lines remain eternal, echoing through the corridors of cinematic history. Whether you're drawn to horror for the thrill or the storytelling, these quotes are a testament to the genre's enduring allure. Let them serve as a chilling reminder of why horror remains an essential part of the cinematic landscape, challenging us to face our fears, question reality, and explore the darkest corners of the imagination.

    Explore over 100 iconic and spine-chilling quotes from your favorite horror movies. Perfect for fans of suspense, thrill, and fear. Get inspired by these unforgettable lines!

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