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100+ Memorable Quotes from My Cousin Vinny for Movie Lovers

my cousin vinny movie quotes

Summary: "My Cousin Vinny" is a cult classic comedy film that offers a slew of memorable quotes, perfect for fans who enjoy sharp wit and legal drama. This article captures 10 themes from the movie, distilling them into a collection of 120 iconic quotes. Our aim is to celebrate the film’s witty dialogues and the unforgettable courtroom drama that has cemented its place in cinematic history. Whether you’re a fan of Joe Pesci’s quick retorts or Marisa Tomei’s wise insights, these quotes will surely take you back to the hilarious moments that define this courtroom classic. Explore the various aspects of the movie and relive the best moments through this comprehensive list.

Opening Scene Quotes

  • "What's a grit?" - Vinny Gambini
  • "You stick out like a sore thumb around here." - Bill Gambini
  • "It's a well-known fact that you keep your mouth shut around cops!" - Stan Rothenstein
  • "It's okay, honey; you blend." - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "Are you sure those are magic grits?" - Vinny Gambini
  • "I think that is one of nature's mysteries." - Stan Rothenstein
  • "What the f**k is a Chinese food?" - Vinny Gambini
  • "I wear this ridiculous thing for you!" - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "Oh no, you can't go to the woods yet!" - Bill Gambini
  • "We shouldn't be gambling!" - Stan Rothenstein
  • "Two yutes." - Vinny Gambini
  • "Why do y'all have an NRA card?" - Vinny Gambini
  • Courtroom Shenanigans Quotes

  • "Objection! This is ridiculous." - Vinny Gambini
  • "You were serious about dat?" - Stan Rothenstein
  • "I could use a good ass-kicking, I'll tell you that." - Vinny Gambini
  • "Uh, everything that guy just said is bulls**t." - Vinny Gambini
  • "No self-respectin' Southerner uses instant grits!" - Mr. Tipton
  • "Well, I guess the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove?" - Vinny Gambini
  • "Is it possible the two yutes..." - Vinny Gambini
  • "You were parked." - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "How do your clients plead?" - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "That is a lucid, intelligent, well-thought-out objection." - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "We don't have time to revamp!" - Vinny Gambini
  • "I wore this ridiculous thing for you!" - Mona Lisa Vito
  • Vinny and Lisa Chemistry Quotes

  • "You know, it's a lot of fun to watch you work." - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "Imagine you're a deer." - Vinny Gambini
  • "Oh, excuse me; I think you might've missed one tiny little detail!" - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "I don't know. It could happen." - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "My biological clock is tickin' like this." - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "Do you want me to hustle them up?" - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "I am watching you go down in flames." - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "I love you." - Vinny Gambini
  • "You were in the bathroom." - Vinny Gambini
  • "It doesn’t exist!" - Vinny Gambini
  • "I wore this for you!" - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "Lisa, I don't need this." - Vinny Gambini
  • Iconic Vinny Quotes

  • "It's called disclosure, you dickhead!" - Vinny Gambini
  • "You win some, you lose some." - Vinny Gambini
  • "How do you plead?" - Vinny Gambini
  • "You're famous for the rest of your life." - Vinny Gambini
  • "I hate to bring it up." - Vinny Gambini
  • "No self-respecting Southerner uses instant grits!" - Mr. Tipton
  • "Let's hear your explanation." - Vinny Gambini
  • "Does the defense's case hold water?" - Vinny Gambini
  • "The laws of physics cease to exist on your stove." - Vinny Gambini
  • "We got friggin' grits!" - Vinny Gambini
  • "Oh, a counter-offensive!" - Vinny Gambini
  • "You can't even bring it up, can ya?" - Vinny Gambini
  • Judge Haller Quotes

  • "Do I have contempt of court?" - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "You are in this courtroom to answer for your own actions!" - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "You will refer to this officer as Officer." - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "Is this another one of your tricks?" - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "Uh-huh. Did you say 'yutes'?" - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "Oh, Mr. Gambini." - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "Again with the two yutes." - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "You will not use this courtroom to your own advantage!" - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "What the hell was that word?!" - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "Counselor!" - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "Don't turn back to me." - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • "Whatever." - Judge Chamberlain Haller
  • Mona Lisa's Wit Quotes

  • "Imagine you're a deer. You're prancing along." - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "What kind of pants you got on?" - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "Imagine you're a little asparagus." - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "You understand me now?" - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "Imagine you're a little casino." - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "You can't win, you & I know it." - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "This is our little secret." - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "You need a good ass-kicking." - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "How am I funny?" - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "What's the big deal?" - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "How could you possibly be sure?" - Mona Lisa Vito
  • "These are magic grits." - Mona Lisa Vito
  • Stan and Bill Quotes

  • "He's just gonna get us thrown in jail!" - Stan Rothenstein
  • "I am being chased here." - Bill Gambini
  • "You gave it a 90% cha
  • Discover over 100 iconic quotes from the classic film 'My Cousin Vinny,' perfect for movie enthusiasts and fans of courtroom comedy. Relive the humor and brilliance of Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei through these unforgettable lines.

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