Welcome to our collection of empowering Neville Goddard quotes. In this article, you will find ten distinct subsections, each adorned with a dozen thought-provoking quotes from the celebrated spiritual teacher and mystic, Neville Goddard. His insights on imagination, belief, and the power of thought have inspired countless individuals to manifest their desires and shape their reality. Whether you are new to Neville Goddard's teachings or a long-time follower, these quotes are sure to uplift, enlighten, and encourage you on your journey of self-discovery and conscious creation. Dive in to explore these timeless pearls of wisdom and harness the infinite power within you.
Quotes on Imagination
"Imagination is the very gateway of reality."
"To imagine a state is to experience it in your psyche."
"Everything starts as a thought; imagine your reality."
"Dwell upon your desires, not your fears."
"The world you see is your conscious manifestation."
"Your imagination is the power to open the wide gates of the world."
"Imagine clearly, and see your reality unfold."
"Captivate your mind with the thought of the desired reality."
"Someday you’ll understand that you must first imagine the way."
"The secrets of creation are hidden in your imagination."
"Live fully in the wishes fulfilled by your imagination."
"Realize it; everything you see once imagined in someone’s mind."
Quotes on Consciousness
"Consciousness is the only true reality."
"What you believe to be true is your truth."
"Your assumptions determine that which you will experience."
"We become what we imagine ourselves to be."
"Consciousness is the way to the infinite possibilities of reality."
"Feel the reality of it, consciousness will bring it to pass."
"You attract what you give your conscious attention to."
"Entering into the image state of consciousness will manifest itself."
"Change your thoughts, change your world."
"As you think, you travel; as you believe, you accept."
"Your external world is your internal consciousness realized."
"To choose a state of consciousness is to ignite its flames of reality."
Quotes on Faith and Belief
"Faith is loyalty to the unseen reality."
"Act as though you are and you will be."
"Believe that you are, and you will be."
"Faith sees the invisible and achieves the impossible."
"Your life is dictated by your faith and your belief."
"Self-confident faith transcends all limitations."
"Live in the feeling of the wish fulfilled."
"What you desire to see in reality, believe it as true."
"Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled."
"The depth of your belief is akin to the depth of your results."
"Persist in the belief of your future until it permeates reality."
"Assume your wish is already fulfilled and persistence will pay off."
Quotes on Power of Thoughts
"Our inner speech mirrors our mind."
"Change your thoughts and you change your world."
"Thoughts cause your beliefs and perceptions."
"Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect."
"Thoughts become things; choose wisely."
"You control the nature of your life by your thoughts.'
"What you think becomes what you see."
"Thought is the real causative force."
"Whatsoever things ye desire, believe that ye have them."
"All you need for change is a different state of consciousness."
"Master the inner dialogue to shape your outcome."
"Thoughts are the seeds, cultivate them wisely."
Quotes on Self-Concept
"You are the operant power."
"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
"Define clearly who you want to be."
"Self-concept is who you believe you are."
"Self-concept determines the direction of your life."
"You are the operand, your thought is the operation."
"Guard your concept of yourself zealously."
"Believe you are already that which you desire to be."
"Assumptions harden into fact, so assume the best."
"Define your self-concept and hold it unwaveringly."
"The self concept is the vessel of your present reality."
"What concept of self are you nurturing today?"
Quotes on Manifestation
"The world is yourself pushed out."
"Assume your desire within and it will manifest without."
"Manifestation starts in the mind."
"Believe that you are already in possession of what you want."
"Manifestation follows the law of assumption.'
"What you feel and assume yourself to be, you become."
"Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world."
"The conscious controls the subconscious, which manifests."
"Manifestation is the unfoldment of your soul."
"Your imagined desires shape the reality you live."
"Feeling is the secret to manifestation."
"Manifestation is a fusion of the mind, body, and soul."
Quotes on Reality Creation
"Your reality is subconscious thoughts brought to life."
"The mind is the control garden for reality creation."
"Reality is merely a reflection of the thought process."
"Master your mind, and you master your reality."
"Creating reality starts with a shift in consciousness."
"Think as though your cherished desires already exist."
"Create your world from within."
"The external realizes the construct of your internal consciousness."
"The mind shapes reality through focused thought."
"Your thoughts shape the blueprint of reality."
"Control the inner dialogue to masterly create your reality."
"Reality bends to the concentrated power of intention."
Quotes on Inner Power
"Invoke your inner power to manifest your desires."
"Your greatest tool is your mind."
"The inner self governs the outer world."
"You hold within you the power to change the world."
"Direct your inner power towards your goals."
"Your inner power is rooted in conscious thought."
"Harness your inner power with belief in outcome."
"We are all magicians of our own reality."
"Your reality is alive within your internal power."
"Cultivate the inner power to create your reality."
"Inner power is the ignition for external change."
"Conscious harnessing of inner power yields miracles."
Quotes on Assumption
"Assume the feeling of the reality you wish to create."
"Assumption brings about realization."
"Live in the assumption of the wish fulfilled."
"Your reality aligns with your predominant assumptions."
"Assumptions create facts."
"Embrace the power of positive assumptions."
"What you assume is what you will experience."
"Assume more of your finest desires."
"Embody the assumption of your fulfilled desires."
"The law of assumption is a potent creator."
"Assume and act as though it's already real."
"Hold steadfastly to your desired assumption."
Quotes on Visualization
"Visualization is imagining with purpose."
"See it clearly in your mind, and it will come to pass."
"Imagination and visualization are the seeds of reality."
"Create vivid mental images of your desires."
"Visualization is the launchpad for manifestation."
"Regular visualization cements your intentions."
"Visualize your desired outcomes with clarity."
"The power of visualization lies in its persistence."
"Construct your desires vividly in your mind."
"Visualization prepares the mind for manifestation."
"Visualizing is an art; make your pictures impeccable."
"Consistent visualization can transform your reality."
Final words
Neville Goddard's teachings are a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone looking to tap into their inner power and consciously shape their reality. His focus on the imagination, consciousness, faith, and the power of thought provides a comprehensive guide for personal transformation. By harnessing the power of assumptions, visualization, and self-concept, one can align their inner world with their outer desires. This collection of quotes serves as a reminder of the limitless potential within us all. Embrace these insights, reflect on them, and let them guide you on your journey to a fulfilled and empowered life. Remember, you are the master of your fate and the creator of your reality.