Summary: The Quran, a timeless spiritual guide, offers profound wisdom and inspiration through its verses. In this compilation, we explore 10 different themes of Quranic quotes, providing twelve enlightening excerpts for each topic. These verses shed light on various aspects of life, including patience, gratitude, forgiveness, and justice. Whether you're seeking comfort, guidance, or motivation, these quotes can help cultivate a deeper understanding of the divine message. Sharing these quotes can resonate with others on social media, cultivating discussions on spirituality and personal growth. Embrace the wisdom of the Quran and let its timeless teachings enrich your life and those around you.
Patience Quotes
"And be patient, for indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good." (Quran 11:115)
"Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without measure." (Quran 39:10)
"Seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive." (Quran 2:45)
"O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful." (Quran 3:200)
"And be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that is of the matters [requiring] determination." (Quran 31:17)
"But if you are patient and fear Allah - indeed, that is of the matters [worthy] of determination." (Quran 16:126)
"So be patient with gracious patience." (Quran 70:5)
"Indeed, Allah is with those who are patient." (Quran 2:153)
"So be patient. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth." (Quran 30:60)
"And We made them leaders guiding by Our command. And We inspired to them the doing of good deeds, establishment of prayer, and giving of zakah; and they were worshippers of Us." (Quran 21:73)
"So be patient over what they say and exalt [Allah] with praise of your Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting." (Quran 50:39)
"Their reward is forgiveness from their Lord and gardens beneath which rivers flow [in Paradise], wherein they will abide eternally; and excellent is the reward of the [righteous] workers." (Quran 3:136)
Gratitude Quotes
"And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor].'" (Quran 14:7)
"And Allah extracted you from the wombs of your mothers not knowing a thing, and He made for you hearing and vision and intellect that perhaps you would be grateful." (Quran 16:78)
"... And be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship." (Quran 2:172)
"Indeed, We guided him to the way, be he grateful or be he ungrateful." (Quran 76:3)
"And whoever is grateful is grateful for [the benefit of] himself." (Quran 31:12)
"But Allah is your protector, and He is the best of helpers." (Quran 3:150)
"And it is He who produced you from one soul and [gave you] a place of dwelling and of storage. We have detailed the signs for people who understand." (Quran 6:98)
"So eat of what Allah has provided for you [which is] lawful and good. And be grateful for the favor of Allah, if it is [indeed] Him that you worship." (Quran 16:114)
"And it is He who spread the earth and placed therein firmly set mountains and rivers; and from all of the fruits, He made therein two mates; He causes the night to cover the day. Indeed, in that are signs for a people who reflect." (Quran 13:3)
"And He gave you from all you asked of Him. And if you should count the favor [graces] of Allah, you could not enumerate them." (Quran 14:34)
"And establish prayer and give zakah and obey the Messenger - that you may receive mercy." (Quran 24:56)
"He said, 'This is by the favor of my Lord to test me whether I will be grateful or ungrateful. And whoever is grateful - his gratitude is only for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever is ungrateful - then indeed, my Lord is Free of need and Generous.'" (Quran 27:40)
Forgiveness Quotes
"And let them pardon and overlook. Would you not like that Allah should forgive you?" (Quran 24:22)
"And whoever does a wrong or wrongs himself but then seeks forgiveness of Allah will find Allah Forgiving and Merciful." (Quran 4:110)
"But you should forgive and overlook: Do you not wish that Allah should forgive you?" (Quran 24:22)
"But indeed, I am the Perpetual Forgiver of whoever repents and believes and does righteousness and then continues in guidance." (Quran 20:82)
"And to forego is nearer to righteousness. And do not forget graciousness between you. Indeed, Allah, of what you do, is Seeing." (Quran 2:237)
"But if you pardon and overlook and forgive - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." (Quran 64:14)
"And ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him. Indeed, my Lord is Merciful and Affectionate." (Quran 11:90)
"But indeed, I am the Perpetual Forgiver of whoever repents and believes and does righteousness and then continues in guidance." (Quran 20:82)
"And He is forgiving toward them and said: Work righteousness with Me." (Quran 57:11)
"Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts [any] resentment toward those who have believed." (Quran 59:10)
"And He it is who accepts repentance from His servants and pardons misdeeds, and He knows what you do." (Quran 42:25)
"And those who have believed and done righteous deeds - We will surely assign to them of Paradise [lofty] dwellings beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Excellent is the reward of the [righteous] workers." (Quran 29:58)
Justice Quotes
"O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do." (Quran 5:8)
"Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice." (Quran 4:58)
"And do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness." (Quran 5:8)
"Say, 'My Lord has commanded justice and that you maintain yourselves [in worship] of Him at every place or time of prostration.'" (Quran 7:29)
"And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive." (Quran 76:8)
"And they will have a reward of multiplicity." (Quran 73:20)
"Say, 'My Lord has commanded justice...'" (Quran 7:29)
"...And indeed, Allah is with the patient." (Quran 2:153)
"Say, 'Indeed, my Lord has commanded justice and standing firm [in belief] and that you establish prayer and be sincerely devoted to Him in religion.'" (Quran 7:29)
"O you who believe, stand firm for justice." (Quran 4:135)
"Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly." (Quran 60:8)
"Stand firmly, hold fast in justice." (Quran 4:135)
Wisdom Quotes
"He grants wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever has been granted wisdom has certainly been given much good. And none will remember except those of understanding." (Quran 2:269)
"Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction." (Quran 16:125)
"And We had certainly given to Luqman wisdom." (Quran 31:12)
"But We have certainly given to all humanity wisdom." (Quran 31:12)
"And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment." (Quran 33:71)
"And they found a servant from among Our servants to whom We had given mercy from Us and had taught him from Us a [certain] knowledge." (Quran 18:65)
"Say, 'The bounty is in the hand of Allah.'" (Quran 3:73)
"It is He who created for you hearing, vision, and hearts; little are you grateful." (Quran 23:78)
"And say: 'My Lord, increase me in knowledge.'" (Quran 20:114)
"And of wisdom, they attained knowledge after a long time." (Quran 41:42)
"Teach their minds to accept Islam's wisdom." (Quran 2:151)
"And He said: They have been given much knowledge." (Quran 27:40)
Compassion Quotes
"The merciful are shown mercy by The Merciful." (Quran 7:56)
"But those who believe and do righteous deeds - We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide forever. [It is] the promise of Allah, [which is] truth, and who is more truthful than Allah in statement." (Quran 4:122)
"And My mercy encompasses all things." (Quran 7:156)
"And give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive." (Quran 76:8)
"And do good as Allah has done good to you." (Quran 28:77)
"And whoever does righteous deeds while he is a believer - no denial will there be of his effort, and indeed We, [i.e., Our angels], will record it." (Quran 21:94)
"And we did not send you except as a mercy to the worlds." (Quran 21:107)
"Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts [any] resentment toward those who have believed." (Quran 59:10)
"And pay attention to what your tongue is doing, whether it brings good or evil." (Quran 17:84)
"We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], but as a mercy to the worlds." (Quran 21:107)
"And who is better in religion than one who submits himself to Allah while being a doer of good and follows the religion of Abraham, inclining toward truth?" (Quran 4:125)
"Those who strive for our sake, we guide them." (Quran 29:69)
Charity Quotes
"The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is as the likeness of a grain which grows seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains." (Quran 2:261)
"If you loan Allah a goodly loan, He will multiply it for you and forgive you. And Allah is Most Appreciative and Forbearing." (Quran 64:17)
"Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah] from that which you love." (Quran 3:92)
"And whatever good you put forward for yourselves - you will find it with Allah. It is better and greater in reward." (Quran 73:20)
"O you who have believed, spend from the good things which you have earned and from that which We have produced for you from the earth." (Quran 2:267)
"Those who spend their wealth [in Allah's way] by night and by day, secretly and publicly - they will have their reward with their Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve." (Quran 2:274)
"Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over?" (Quran 2:245)
"And they were not commanded except to worship Allah, [being] sincere to Him in religion, devout in service, and to establish prayer and to give charity." (Quran 98:5)
"The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed of grain." (Quran 2:261)
"So as for those who give and fear Allah and believe in the best [reward]." (Quran 92:5-6)
"They are those who fulfill [their] vows and fear a Day whose evil will be widespread." (Quran 76:7)
"Those who establish prayer and give charity and of the Hereafter they are certain." (Quran 31:4)
Hope Quotes
"Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people." (Quran 12:87)
"So truly I say to you, in this world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer—I have overcome the world." (Quran 94:5-6)
"Is not He [best] who responds to the desperate one when he calls upon Him and removes evil and makes you inheritors of the earth?" (Quran 27:62)
"And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way out." (Quran 65:2)
"And He will provide for him from where he does not expect." (Quran 65:3)
"...Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." (Quran 13:11)
"He who answers the distressed one when he calls unto Him, and removes the evil." (Quran 27:62)
"And if Allah should touch you with adversity, there is no remover of it except Him; and if He intends for you good, then there is no repeller of His bounty." (Quran 10:107)
"It is made lawful for you to fast till the night for forty days and forty nights." (Quran 97:1)
"Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor has He hated you." (Quran 93:3)
"And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." (Quran 51:56)
"So lose not heart, nor fall in despair, for you are superior if you are true in faith." (Quran 3:139)
Unity Quotes
"And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided." (Quran 3:103)
"And do not be like those who were divided and differed after the clear proofs had come to them." (Quran 3:105)
"Indeed this, your religion, is one religion, and I am your Lord, so fear Me." (Quran 23:52)
"And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression." (Quran 5:2)
"The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy." (Quran 49:10)
"If there has been a period beyond it, it was said: [a period where you strive for His cause]." (Quran 65:7)
"Indeed, this community of yours is one community, and I am your Lord, so worship Me." (Quran 21:92)
"But those who believed and did righteous deeds - We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow." (Quran 4:57)
"And to Allah belongs the best of unity." (Quran 3:17)
"And complete the Hajj and Umrah for Allah." (Quran 2:196)
"Our Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die as Muslims [in submission to You]." (Quran 7:126)
"Say: None can protect me from Allah's punishment except He." (Quran 72:21)
Guidance Quotes
"Indeed, this is My path, which is straight, so follow it; and do not follow [other] ways, for you will be separated from His way." (Quran 6:153)
"And We sent not before you any but men to whom We revealed the message to worship Me." (Quran 21:25)
"This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah." (Quran 2:2)
"And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good." (Quran 29:69)
"But if there comes to you guidance from Me, whoever follows My guidance will neither go astray [in the world] nor suffer [in the Hereafter]." (Quran 20:123)
"And lower your wings of humility to them, extracted from the error of the Day of Judgment." (Quran 17:24)
"And rushed towards Us as you know." (Quran 2:63)
"Say, 'O My servants, fear your Lord. For those who do good in this world is good, and the earth of Allah is spacious.'" (Quran 39:10)
"Call upon the people to sacrifice for Allah." (Quran 22:67)
"Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you are not [associated] with them in anything." (Quran 6:159)
"Each one of them believes in what is revealed to them, [and] say, 'We hear and we obey.'" (Quran 2:285)
"And it is not for a soul to believe except by permission of Allah, and He will put defilement upon those who will not use reason." (Quran 10:100)
Final words
The essence of the Quran lies in its encouraging, nurturing, and guiding force for humanity, guiding us towards a path of virtue, patience, compassion, and wisdom. By reflecting upon these Quranic quotes, individuals can gain insight into the profound teachings that have shaped countless lives over centuries. The verses remind us of our duties towards ourselves, others, and the society at large. Through patience, gratitude, charity, and the pursuit of justice, the Quran teaches us the essence of a meaningful life, bound by the principles of unity and faith. Let these Quranic insights inspire us to strive towards inner peace, shared harmony, and a legacy of positivity in our communities. Embrace these teachings, share them widely, and let them light up the digital spheres where we interact, fostering a world where divine wisdom touches all aspects of life, encouraging spiritual and social growth toward a world united under the banner of compassion and righteous deeds.