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100+ Timeless Rumi Quotes on Love to Inspire Your Heart

rumi quotes in love

Rumi’s poetry transcends time, weaving his profound wisdom and passion into the realm of love. In this article, we explore 10 different themes of love reflected through Rumi’s quotes. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, healing, or deeper understanding, Rumi’s words can touch your soul and open your heart. Let his timeless wisdom guide you to embrace the beauty of love in all its forms.

Rumi Quotes About True Love

  • "The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you."
  • "Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along."
  • "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
  • "Through love, thorns become roses."
  • "Love is the bridge between you and everything."
  • "Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop."
  • "In your light, I learn how to love."
  • "Love rests on no foundation. It is an endless ocean, with no beginning or end."
  • "Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation."
  • "When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about."
  • "Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form."
  • "This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment."
  • Rumi Quotes About Self-Love

  • "You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?"
  • "Don’t get lost in your pain, know that one day your pain will become your cure."
  • "You wander from room to room, hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck."
  • "Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead, let life live through you."
  • "If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?"
  • "Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are."
  • "The wound is the place where the light enters you."
  • "With life as short as a half-taken breath, don't plant anything but love."
  • "Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love."
  • "Why do you stay in prison, when the door is so wide open?"
  • "You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens."
  • "When you seek love with all your heart, you shall find its echoes in the universe."
  • Rumi Quotes About Soulful Love

  • "Close your eyes, fall in love, stay there."
  • "Only from the heart can you touch the sky."
  • "Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love."
  • "Reason is powerless in the expression of love."
  • "Love is the soul’s light, the taste of morning, no me, no we, no claim of being."
  • "Be drunk with love, for love is all that exists."
  • "A soul without love is like a spring without flowers."
  • "Your task is not to seek for love, but to tear down all the barriers against it."
  • "The soul has been given its own ears to hear things the mind does not understand."
  • "Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off."
  • "Seek the wisdom that unties your knot. Seek the path that demands your whole being."
  • "Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of this moment."
  • Rumi Quotes About Love’s Healing Power

  • "Love calls; everywhere and always."
  • "Don’t you know yet? It is your Light that lights the worlds."
  • "Love is the cure, for your pain will keep giving birth to more pain until your eyes exhale love as effortlessly as your body yields its scent."
  • "The soul is here for its own joy."
  • "Be like Melting Snow — wash yourself of yourself."
  • "Don’t run away from grief, O Soul. Look for the remedy inside the pain."
  • "The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given, the door will open."
  • "Don’t grieve. What is right for you will not pass you by."
  • "When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about."
  • "Sadness gives depth. It marinates the soul, enlightens the heart."
  • "You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens."
  • "A life without love is of no account. Love was made to tear down walls to awaken the life within."
  • Rumi Quotes About Divine Love

  • "When the soul lies down in that grass, the world is too full to talk about."
  • "Be drunk on love because love is all that matters."
  • "I want burning, burning; become friends with the fire."
  • "Seek those who fan your flames."
  • "Dip yourself in the river of God."
  • "Tear off the mask. Your face is glorious."
  • "Only through love can we encounter the divine."
  • "The heart is a sea; even the shores cannot contain it."
  • "Meet me in the warmth of all that is divine."
  • "Love is the infinite which helps catch the divine."
  • "Break the jars of your ego; only then the water truly flows."
  • "In the divine light of love, all shadows disappear."
  • Rumi Quotes About Love in Silence

  • "Listen to silence. It has so much to say."
  • "Silence is the language of God. Everything else is poor translation."
  • "When speech is as sweet as silence, it becomes pure love."
  • "In silence, there is eloquence."
  • "Let silence take you to the core of life."
  • "With love even the stars fall silent."
  • "Be certain, silence always reveals the truth of love."
  • "Dive into silence. The treasure flows there."
  • "Silence is not empty; it is full of answers."
  • "Stay in the sunlight; silence will follow."
  • "Sit, be still, and feel the bliss of love."
  • "In the quietest hour, love speaks the loudest."
  • Rumi Quotes About Love’s Mysteries

  • "Love is an endless mystery. It cannot be explained, only felt."
  • "Be like a moon and inspire others even in darkness."
  • "The mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death."
  • "The lover’s life is in eternal folds and questions."
  • "Love creates rapture within the unknown."
  • "Step into new mysteries; love is your guide."
  • "Though we appear separate, together we are whole in love."
  • "This rhythm of love keeps the heavens in motion."
  • "Do not settle for the known, seek love's mysteries."
  • "Dancing into the unknown is where love resides."
  • "Open your heart to the hidden chambers of love."
  • "You don’t need to understand love; you need to surrender to it."
  • Rumi Quotes About Eternal Bonds

  • "Your love awakens the sleeping eternal within."
  • "When souls meet, time stops."
  • "Be a lamp, a lifeboat; allow your love to span eternities."
  • "What you deeply long for already blooms inside you."
  • "Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction."
  • "Love echoes through eternity."
  • "Nothing truly loved is ever lost."
  • "Every soul will taste eternal love once the heart rises."
  • "Even the stars are tethered by love."
  • "Lovers navigate time through their connection."
  • "Love creates bonds no wings can sever."
  • "In your eternity, I bloom infinitely."
  • Rumi Quotes About Unconditional Love

  • "Let yourself be silently drawn by what you really love unconditionally."
  • "The greater the love, the fewer the conditions."
  • "Infinite skies belong to the free soul that loves without judgment."
  • "Unconditional love reflects the eternal soul."
  • "Through love, we grow beyond mirrors."
  • "Grace resides in a love that never expects anything."
  • "Break down walls that seek conditions for love."
  • "The heart does not measure loyalty."
  • "True love has no end – it dissolves ‘I’ and ‘you.’"
  • "Freedom resides when demands disappear."
  • "To love is to find ultimate freedom."
  • "Love without strings connects true hearts."
  • Rumi Quotes About Vulnerability in Love

  • "You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens."
  • "When the soul dares to bare itself, love awakens."
  • "Courage allows you to surrender into vulnerability."
  • "Cry out for love—it’s in the heartbreak’s depth."
  • "Wear your love like an open flame."
  • "Let the walls of fear turn to ash."
  • "To love fully, one must hold nothing back."
  • "Dance with uncertainty for there is where love sways."
  • "The broken-hearted carry love in the deepest layers."
  • "Love will never desert you when you show your wounds."
  • "Fall apart towards wholeness."
  • "Love enters when walls fall down."
  • Final words

    Rumi’s quotes on love encompass every facet, be it self-love, divine love, or the healing power of vulnerability. Through poetry, he unravels the complexities of the human heart, illuminating how to embrace love fully. Whether it’s quiet moments in solitude, letting go of expectations, celebrating connections, or exploring the mysterious depths of the soul, love remains the universal language. Let Rumi’s wisdom inspire you to open your heart, let go of ego, and dive deep into the world of love.

    Explore over 100 heartfelt Rumi quotes about love that capture the essence of connection, passion, and the beauty of life. Perfect for inspiration and reflection.

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