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100+ Iconic Tommy Boy Quotes for Every Fan

tommy boy quotes

Tommy Boy, the hilarious 1995 film featuring the comedic genius of Chris Farley and David Spade, has left an indelible mark on the world of comedy. The movie is packed with memorable lines, unforgettable physical comedy, and heartwarming moments. This collection of quotes captures the essence of the film and the lovable, bumbling nature of Tommy Callahan. Fans of the movie will recognize these iconic lines and appreciate the humor, wisdom, and sometimes unexpected depth they convey. From hilariously embarrassing moments to touching realizations, these quotes showcase why Tommy Boy remains a classic. Let's dive into the timeless wit of Tommy Boy with this curated selection of quotes.

Classic Tommy Boy Quotes

  • "Did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid?"
  • "Housekeeping. You want me fluff pillow?"
  • "Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug."
  • "I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's a**... but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it."
  • "Fat guy in a little coat."
  • "Ohhh, that has to hurt!"
  • "If you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time."
  • "Not so much here or here, but right here."
  • "I swear, I've seen a lot of stuff in my life, but that...was...AWESOME."
  • "You could sell a ketchup Popsicle to a woman in white gloves."
  • "Hey, what's your favorite little rascal? Spanky?"
  • "Does this suit make me look fat?"
  • Funny Tommy Boy Quotes

  • "Fat guy in a little coat."
  • "You bees'd your pants!"
  • "Holy schnikes!"
  • "Son of a...That's gonna leave a mark!"
  • "Ugh! I'm a maniac!"
  • "You have derailed, my friend."
  • "What'd you do?"
  • "I can't believe I'm a graduate."
  • "You get yourself a new car, you'll be smart, get a good job."
  • "Did you live under power lines as a kid, or something?"
  • "We don't take no for an answer."
  • "That was one crazy summer."
  • Inspirational Tommy Boy Quotes

  • "Your dad could sell a ketchup Popsicle to a woman in white gloves."
  • "You can get a good look at a butcher by sticking your head up a bull's a**, but why risk that when you can take the word of the guy who made the steak?"
  • "It's not so much here or here... but right here."
  • "Once the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend!"
  • "Breathe, Tommy. Breathe."
  • "Trust me, I've seen a lot of stuff in my life, and that was awesome."
  • "You're not as dumb as you are lookin'.
  • "This always works at home!"
  • "What the American public doesn’t know is what makes them the American public, all right?"
  • "Time to turn this gravy train around."
  • "I won't get mad, and I won't tell anyone."
  • "We've got ourselves a new team here, a real family."
  • Emotional Tommy Boy Quotes

  • "A lot of people go to college for seven years."
  • "Tommy likey. Tommy want wingy."
  • "You better pray to the God of Skinny Punk, that this wind doesn't pick up!"
  • "That was sarcastic? Really?"
  • "Naw. I was just scarin' ya, see? The other guys was scared, you're smart, that's why you outsmarted them."
  • "Your brain has the shell on it."
  • "Remember that time I told you me and my cousin Ricky was park-rangers at glacier?"
  • "Let's stop fighting, come on!"
  • "That hurt very much!"
  • "Uh, What'd you do?"
  • "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"
  • "I swear I don't remember any of it; but, since I didn't duck too low, you're dead to me now, baby."
  • Iconic Tommy Boy Quotes

  • "I could've done it on my own, Dad."
  • "Hold me tightly in your little coat."
  • "You'll never get outta college as long as you keep goofing off like that."
  • "What is that, Transformers?"
  • "If you build it, they will come."
  • "I just found out that a deal isn’t a good deal when it’s a bad deal."
  • "You have a window office."
  • "Somewhere inside all of this rubble is a blob of humanity."
  • "It’s almost legally empowering."
  • "I'm not sure I can do this."
  • "Friends make you smart."
  • "It’s time to make America rage again!"
  • Sarcastic Tommy Boy Quotes

  • "I'm in a hole, gentlemen. I'm up to my nose."
  • "You're really likable and repulsive at the same time."
  • "Wow, tell me what else I can do wrong!"
  • "You are correct, sir!"
  • "Oh don't worry, we'll just fashion a window!"
  • "I'm singing at the top of my lungs and there's no one around to hear me."
  • "What do you think you're doing, huh?"
  • "Do me a solid."
  • "Great setup! I needed that to eat crow!"
  • "You're messing with another man's livelihood."
  • "I can't imagine ever doing something this embarrassing."
  • "You don't even know what you're talking about, you're just spewing random stuff out there."
  • Hilarious Tommy Boy Quotes

  • "Gotcha, didn't I?"
  • "Are you sleeping over?"
  • "I'm a sharks fan. I bleed teal and black!"
  • "Shut up, Richard!"
  • "And I'm still dumb as bricks."
  • "Oh, you got hurt! You pansy!"
  • "I know where you live, and I'm going to eat you!"
  • "I need to start pulling my own weight."
  • "I'm your friend, not your friend."
  • "We've got ourselves a new homeschooling piece on our hands!"
  • "The van still runs good! It's got history!"
  • "If you want me gone, you'll have to take me by force!"
  • Memorable Tommy Boy Quotes

  • "I get to be a small fraction of what I wanted to be at 30."
  • "Ow! Son of a! That's gonna leave a mark."
  • "You know what really grinds my gears? You do, Tommy."
  • "I really don't want any trouble here, okay?"
  • "Boy, do I have a problem!"
  • "I'm always feeling guilty."
  • "You know who I really feel sorry for? Mama Gump.
  • "See you in the boss’ office. First trick of the day!"
  • "Some of us are in disguise."
  • "My wolf pack became three."
  • "Let's build a house!"
  • "There's no way this is happening without a little help from my friends!"
  • Witty Tommy Boy Quotes

  • "I can hear you getting fatter!"
  • "You're such a hard worker, Richard! Shut up, Richard!"
  • "I am the walrus!"
  • "When you work all day, your hands don't stay clean."
  • "Ohhh boy, you're not gonna like this!"
  • "Round and round and round she goes, where she'll stop, nobody knows!"
  • "Of all the forever friends, you're the foreverist."
  • "That was an inspirational performance right there, big man!"
  • "I didn't know you wrote for National Geographics."
  • "Looks like I wasn't the only one who messed up!"
  • "No sir, I don't like Mr. Anti-Pants."
  • "That okay with you?"
  • Unforgettable Tommy Boy Quotes

  • "I could be your hero, Baby!"
  • "I don't know what I'm supposed to look for?"
  • "What the heck would anyone want with that kind of cash?"
  • "You're doing it wrong, man!"
  • "Get that man a raise!"
  • "Maybe it's a sign."
  • "Man, that is the dumbest, but catchiest song ever."
  • "Oh, the humanities! Oh, my, God!"
  • "Tommy want wingy, but Tommy can't have it!"
  • "It's not about appearances, it's about experiences, buddy!"
  • "Does this picnic have my game hole?"
  • "Analyzing performance and making it better—that's what I do!"
  • Final words

    Tommy Boy continues to be a comedic gem, beloved by fans for its timeless blend of humor, heart, and unforgettable one-liners. These quotes encapsulate the spirit of the film and the wit that has kept audiences laughing for decades. Whether it’s Tommy's lovable clumsiness or Richard's sarcastic quips, the dynamic between Chris Farley and David Spade creates a comedy gold mine. Even after many years, the movie and its quotes have stayed relevant, reminding viewers of the joy in silliness and the value of friendship. Tommy Boy has become more than just a film; it’s a part of pop culture that keeps highlighting the importance of laughter in life. So, whether you're in need of a quick laugh or a reminder of classic 90s humor, these Tommy Boy quotes are sure to deliver a smile and perhaps some nostalgic chuckles. Embrace the unwieldy charm of Tommy and his adventures with Richard—it's a journey worth quoting again and again.

    Explore over 100 unforgettable quotes from the classic film Tommy Boy. Perfect for fans of humor, wisdom, and comedy. Dive into the iconic lines that made Tommy Boy a timeless hit.

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