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100+ Powerful Warhammer 40K Quotes for Every Fan

warhammer 40k quotes

In the grim darkness of the far future, there’s no better way to delve into the Warhammer 40k universe than through its iconic quotes. These lines summarize the grim determination, loyalty, and profound despair of a galaxy consumed by endless war. Whether you're a Space Marine quoting the Emperor's will, or echoing the chilling statements of Chaos, these quotes inspire players and fans alike. Below, you'll find a collection of Warhammer 40k-themed quotes categorized under ten fitting subtitles. Each subtitle has 12 memorable statements that capture the essence of the franchise. Prepare to immerse yourself in the philosophies and battle cries of the 41st millennium!


Quotes of the Emperor's Wisdom

  • "The Emperor protects."
  • "Walk in His light, for it is the light of salvation."
  • "It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself."
  • "Faith is my shield, and fury is my sword."
  • "By His will alone do we prevail."
  • "Doubt is the greatest enemy."
  • "Burn the heretic, kill the mutant, purge the unclean."
  • "Serve Him with all your heart, for the weak shall be swept away."
  • "Without Him, there is only darkness."
  • "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
  • "The Emperor's judgment is infinite; His punishment severe."
  • "Glory to the Emperor of Mankind, who sits immortal upon the Golden Throne."
  • Space Marine Quotes of Valor

  • "For the Emperor and Sanguinius!"
  • "The sword in my hand is His vengeance incarnate."
  • "Brothers, onwards to victory or death!"
  • "We are His angels of death."
  • "In life—duty; in death—sacrifice."
  • "Bolters speak louder than words."
  • "We know no fear, for fear is the enemy."
  • "Stand firm, for mankind depends upon us."
  • "They shall feel the wrath of the Adeptus Astartes."
  • "We are the bulwark against oblivion."
  • "Only in death does duty end."
  • "Steel your hearts, for we fight for humanity's salvation!"
  • Quotes from the Agents of Chaos

  • "For the glory of the Dark Gods!"
  • "Blood for the Blood God, skulls for the Skull Throne!"
  • "The warp shall consume them all!"
  • "Suffering is the path to perfection."
  • "Entropy comes for us all—let us hasten its arrival."
  • "The weak deserve only to serve the strong."
  • "I shall drown the galaxy in tides of blood."
  • "The False Emperor shall fall."
  • "Serve Chaos, for its gifts are many."
  • "Freedom lies in embracing the madness within."
  • "To serve Chaos is to be truly free."
  • "Pain is a gift of the warp. Rejoice in it!"
  • Quotes of the Eldar's Lament

  • "We are but shadows of our former glory."
  • "Our path is one of sorrow and vengeance."
  • "Beware the lesser species—they bring only ruin."
  • "We tread the skein of fate with great care."
  • "To act is to invite disaster. To wait is to accept it."
  • "Our souls are eternal, though our bodies may perish."
  • "Hope is a fragile thing, yet we must cling to it."
  • "The Mon-keigh herald their own ruin."
  • "The Webway is our sanctuary and our prison."
  • "Against the tide of darkness, we are but a flickering flame."
  • "Even in death, we serve the craftworld."
  • "If only we could undo the folly of our ancestors."
  • Quotes from the Orks (Da Boyz)

  • "WAAAGH!"
  • "Da biggest gun is da best gun!"
  • "Green iz best."
  • "If we die, it don't count! Bloomin' humies don't understand dis."
  • "Shooty, stabby, bashy—we just wanna fight!"
  • "Orks iz made for fightin' and winnin'!"
  • "Oi, humie, stop runnin' and fight me like an Ork!"
  • "If it ain't fightin', it ain't worth doin'."
  • "Da mekboyz make da best dakka!"
  • "We's bigger, meaner, and greener than anyone else."
  • "Dere's no such thing as too many Orks!"
  • "'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go!"
  • Quotes of the Tyranid Threat

  • "Consume. Adapt. Evolve."
  • "A consciousness vast and insatiable watches the galaxy."
  • "There is no warning. Only hunger."
  • "The Swarm will overtake all."
  • "We multiply endlessly, consuming worlds in our wake."
  • "Instinct drives us. Evolution empowers us."
  • "We are the tide that drowns empires."
  • "The hive mind whispers in unison."
  • "Predators become prey. Strength becomes weakness."
  • "Nothing stands before the swarm."
  • "The galaxy is merely a feast."
  • "We are hunger incarnate."
  • Quotes from the Necron Dynasties

  • "We are eternal."
  • "Flesh is weak. Steel is forever."
  • "Long before their time, we ruled."
  • "The living will kneel before the Necrontyr."
  • "The stars are ours to reclaim."
  • "Immortality is inevitable. This is the creed of the Necron."
  • "Witness the end of your age."
  • "Our slumber is over. Let the galaxy burn."
  • "Souls are fuel for the cosmic machine."
  • "Bow before your rightful rulers."
  • "We are death, and you are but the dust we leave behind."
  • "Time favors the Necron; we are patient conquerors."
  • Quotes from the Tau Empire

  • "For the Greater Good."
  • "Unity is strength."
  • "We fight for peace and harmony."
  • "The Mont'ka strikes swift and true."
  • "We must expand to survive."
  • "Protect the Greater Good at all costs."
  • "Embrace the future, for it holds progress."
  • "Victory is assured through cooperation."
  • "The Ethereals guide us to the light."
  • "Together, we rise above the chaos."
  • "To break from unity is to court extinction."
  • "For Tau'va, we sacrifice all."
  • Quotes of the Adeptus Mechanicus

  • "Knowledge is power, guard it well."
  • "The Omnissiah watches over all machinery."
  • "Flesh is fallible; augmentations will save us."
  • "No prayer is greater than a perfectly maintained machine."
  • "The machine spirit must be appeased."
  • "The quest for knowledge fuels our purpose."
  • "Data is the lifeblood of our cause."
  • "Praise the Omnissiah, for He guides our circuitry."
  • "The universe is a machine, intricate and unrelenting."
  • "Faith and logic entwine to create perfection."
  • "Technology without understanding is blasphemy."
  • "Serve the Machine God, for all else is flawed."
  • Quotes from the Inquisition

  • "Innocence proves nothing."
  • "To question is to doubt. To doubt is heresy."
  • "The Emperor's will is absolute."
  • "Knowledge is tainted, yet ignorance is a weakness."
  • "The enemies of mankind must burn."
  • "Trust no one, especially yourself."
  • "The price of failure is exterminatus."
  • "Duty outweighs hesitation."
  • "Ruthlessness determines survival."
  • "Heresy grows from idleness."
  • "Through purification, the Imperium endures."
  • "Fear is a tool; wield it wisely."
  • ---

    Final words

    Warhammer 40k is a universe imbued with endless conflict, despair, and heroism. These quotes reflect the distinct philosophies, cultures, and mindsets of its factions—from the Emperor’s divine wisdom to the brute force of Orks. They draw us deeper into understanding how every character and entity navigates this grim and unrelenting narrative. Much like the battles fought in the 41st millennium, these words linger, carve their marks, and ignite our imaginations. Whether you're a veteran tabletop player or new to the lore, these quotes serve as a linguistic gateway into the universe of eternal war. Remember: in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

    Explore over 100 iconic Warhammer 40K quotes that capture the essence of this legendary universe. Perfect for fans, collectors, and newcomers alike!

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