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Over 100 Iconic Blazing Saddles Movie Quotes: Ultimate Collection

blazing saddles movie quotes

"Blazing Saddles," directed by Mel Brooks, is one of the most beloved comedy movies of all time, celebrated for its satire, sharp dialogue, and hilarious moments. The film, known for breaking boundaries and challenging stereotypes, is also filled to the brim with highly quotable lines. These quotes have endured for decades, embodying humor that is both timeless and relevant. In this article, we've collected some of the most iconic and memorable quotes from "Blazing Saddles," divided into specific themes. Each section highlights the humor and brilliance this film brings, all while paying tribute to the way it cleverly captures human quirks and societal norms.

Funny One-Liners from Blazing Saddles Quotes

  • "What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?"
  • "Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!"
  • "You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers… people of the land, the common clay of the New West. You know, morons."
  • "My name is Jim, but most people call me… Jim."
  • "Where’s my froggy? I lost my froggy!"
  • "I must have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille."
  • "Gentlemen, please rest your sphincters."
  • "It’s twue! It’s twue!"
  • "I didn’t get a 'harrumph' out of that guy."
  • "Pardon me while I whip this out."
  • "It’s tough being a black sheriff!"
  • "Now who can argue with that? I think we’re all indebted to Gabby Johnson for clearly stating what needed to be said."
  • Iconic Sheriff Bart Quotes from Blazing Saddles

  • "Excuse me while I whip this out."
  • "I’m rapidly becoming a big underground success in this town."
  • "Well, can't you see that's the last act of a desperate man?"
  • "Are we awake? That depends. Are we… black?"
  • "And I always keep my promises, when it suits me."
  • "Work here is done. Come along, Mongo!"
  • "It’s good to be the sheriff, most of the time."
  • "A black sheriff? Why not? It worked in 'Blazing Saddles!'"
  • "Look! The plan, it worked!"
  • "All right, we make camp tonight. On the count of three, everybody... sing!"
  • "What? Never seen a black man as sheriff before?"
  • "Hold up, Sheriff Bart to the rescue!"
  • Hedley Lamarr's Witty Quotes

  • "My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
  • "This is the last straw!"
  • "Wait… under the rules of the Wild West, can I still sue him?"
  • "Gentlemen, please sign the petition to rustle up some serious mischief."
  • "Kinky? I can get behind kinky."
  • "Come to me — sorry, come to your senses!"
  • "You will be compensated—corporately, of course."
  • "Could somebody help me please? I’m a little tied up here."
  • "This is so simple, only I could have thought of it."
  • "You fool! That was my only clean shirt!"
  • "Hasta mañana, Mr. Sheriff."
  • "Gentlemen, rest your haunches. This’ll be a long night."
  • Lili Von Shtupp’s Iconic Quotes

  • "I’m tired… so tired."
  • "Is it true what they say about you people?!"
  • "Here comes the wicked witch of the West."
  • "You’ve got me all worked up, you beast."
  • "Don’t let me down. I just got into this saddle."
  • "Smoke him if you got him."
  • "Sheriff Bart, what a lovely surprise… again."
  • "Darling? Did you forget something?"
  • "Knock on my door anytime, Sheriff."
  • "Time for another drink, don’t you think?"
  • "Oh, Sheriff, you’re too sweet."
  • "Save a bullet for me next time."
  • Mongo’s Memorable Quotes

  • "Mongo only pawn in game of life."
  • "Mongo like Sheriff Bart. Mongo is friend."
  • "Mongo smash! But Mongo also hug."
  • "Me rider? No! Mongo, horse too strong."
  • "Mongo eat can, Mongo can’t taste soup anyway."
  • "Mongo mad. Mongo laugh. Mongo change world… maybe."
  • "Mongo tired of big town. Mongo go home."
  • "Me angry? No, me think.”
  • "Sheriff make town better. Mongo help."
  • "Don’t underestimate Mongo force!”
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    Dive into the timeless humor of Blazing Saddles with our comprehensive compilation of over 100 memorable quotes. Explore the wit and satire that made this film a classic.

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