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100+ Powerful Crime and Punishment Quotes You Need to Know

crime and punishment quotes

Welcome to our curated collection of Crime and Punishment Quotes, a journey through the profound reflections on justice, morality, and human nature. Delve into the wisdom and thoughts of great minds, encompassing their interpretations of crime, the consequences that follow, and the intricate dance between right and wrong. This article is divided into ten thematic sections, each with a dozen thought-provoking quotes, offering a comprehensive exploration of the complex narrative surrounding crime and punishment.

Classic Literary Quotes

  • "Crime and punishment grow out of one stem." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • "We are all sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins, for life." - Tennessee Williams
  • "The criminal is the creative artist; the detective only the critic." - G.K. Chesterton
  • "Punishment is not for revenge, but to lessen crime and reform the criminal." - Elizabeth Fry
  • "Justice is for those who deserve it, not for those who crave it." - Joe Abercrombie
  • "The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart." - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
  • "The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time." - William Butler Yeats
  • "Every act of evil is an act of desperation." - Chuck Palahniuk
  • "In the face of inhumanity, a good human being reacts with indignation." - Viktor Frankl
  • "Fear follows crime and is its punishment." - Voltaire
  • "It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one." - Voltaire
  • "The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules." - Banksy
  • Philosophical Reflections

  • "When you have once seen the glow of happiness on the face of a beloved person, you know that a man can have no vocation but to awaken that light on the faces surrounding him." - Albert Camus
  • "All human beings should try to learn before they die what they are running from, to, and why." - James Thurber
  • "The soul that has conceived one wickedness can nurse no good thereafter." - Sophocles
  • "It is not what you endure that matters, but how you endure it." - Seneca
  • "Punishment is justice for the unjust." - Saint Augustine
  • "There's no such thing as good or bad money; there's just money." - Lucky Luciano
  • "Men are not punished for their sins, but by them." - Elbert Hubbard
  • "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." - Martin Luther King Jr.
  • "Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong." - Theodore Roosevelt
  • "It is not our abilities that show what we truly are… it is our choices." - J.K. Rowling
  • "The punishment which the wise suffer who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men." - Plato
  • "One is punished by the very things by which he sins." - Solomon Ibn Gabirol
  • Justice and Morality Quotes

  • "Justice is truth in action." - Benjamin Disraeli
  • "Truth never damages a cause that is just." - Mahatma Gandhi
  • "The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them." - Lois McMaster Bujold
  • "Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both." - Eleanor Roosevelt
  • "Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." - Benjamin Franklin
  • "If we do not maintain justice, justice will not maintain us." - Francis Bacon
  • "It is in justice that the ordering of society is centered." - Aristotle
  • "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King Jr.
  • "Charity begins at home, and justice begins next door." - Charles Dickens
  • "An injustice committed against anyone is a threat to everyone." - Montesquieu
  • "Justice delayed is justice denied." - William E. Gladstone
  • "The foundation of justice is good faith." - Cicero
  • Despair and Redemption Quotes

  • "There is no person so severely punished, as those who subject themselves to the whip of their own remorse." - Seneca
  • "The true measure of justice is how we treat the less fortunate among us." - Van Jones
  • "Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future." - Oscar Wilde
  • "Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act, falls the shadow." - T.S. Eliot
  • "It is only when we forgive ourselves that we liberate ourselves." - Maya Angelou
  • "Pardoning the bad is injuring the good." - Benjamin Franklin
  • "He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love." - Martin Luther King Jr.
  • "That which is done out of love is always beyond good and evil." - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • "There but for the grace of God go I." - John Bradford
  • "A man's true state of power and riches is to be in himself." - Henry Ward Beecher
  • "We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us." - Andrew Ryan
  • "First we form habits, then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you." - Rob Gilbert
  • Quotes on Justice and Law

  • "Law without justice is a wound without a cure." - William Scott Downey
  • "In law, nothing is certain but the expense." - Samuel Butler
  • "Justice means minding your own business and not meddling with other men’s concerns." - Plato
  • "Justice is like the kingdom of God – it is not without us as a fact, it is within us as a great yearning." - George Eliot
  • "Law is not law, if it violates the principles of eternal justice." - Lydia Maria Child
  • "The law is reason, free from passion." - Aristotle
  • "The law must be stable, but it must not stand still." - Roscoe Pound
  • "Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny." - Edmund Burke
  • "The safety of the people shall be the highest law." - Marcus Tullius Cicero
  • "Where there is no law, there is no freedom." - John Locke
  • "The law condemns the best of us; but grace saves the worst of us." - Joseph Prince
  • "It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive." - Earl Warren
  • Reflective Quotes on Crime

  • "The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant." - Maximilien Robespierre
  • "He who does not punish evil commands it to be done." - Leonardo da Vinci
  • "Crime is a product of social excess." - Vladimir Lenin
  • "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus
  • "Crimes, like virtues, are their own rewards." - George Farquhar
  • "Society prepares the crime; the criminal commits it." - Henry Thomas Buckle
  • "Every criminal leaves behind a shadowy silhouette of their descent into darkness." - Rachel Vincent
  • "The real crime in humanity is the war against the color of differing perceptions." - H.P. Lovecraft
  • "Crimes, like virtues, are there to be judged, but seldom understood." - E.P. Evans
  • "Men often become what they believe themselves to be." - Mahatma Gandhi
  • "The consequences of crime are always worse than the crime itself." - Daniel Webster
  • "Crimes of which a people is ashamed constitute its real history. The same is true of man." - Jean Genet
  • Punishment and Consequence Quotes

  • "There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line." - Oscar Levant
  • "Men are not hanged for stealing horses, but that horses may not be stolen." - George Savile
  • "The punishment of every disordered mind is its own disorder." - Augustine of Hippo
  • "Punishment is lame, but it comes." - George Herbert
  • "Retribution often means that we eventually become the things we hate." - Michael Gilbert
  • "We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it." - Che Guevara
  • "The object of punishment is to reduce crime by deterring others and reforming the criminal." - Edwin Griswold Nourse
  • "The punishment itself should fit the crime." - Margo MacDonald
  • "Fault always lies in the same place: with him weak enough to lay blame." - Stephen King
  • "Punishment - The justice that considers the crime in the light of the suffering humanity of the criminal." - Simone Weil
  • "Severity invites implacable hatred, but never thwarts crime." - Seneca
  • "He who has failed to learn to obey will not be able to lead." - Publius Syrus
  • Crime and Society Quotes

  • "The accomplice to the crime of corruption is frequently our own indifference." - Bess Myerson
  • "Charity to criminals is terrorism to civilians." - M.F. Moonzajer
  • "Crime butchers innocence to secure a throne, and innocence struggles with all its might against this crime." - Maximilien Robespierre
  • "When crime covers up, it calls itself respectability." - H.G. Wells
  • "When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice, you may know that your society is doomed." - Ayn Rand
  • "To die for a cause is insanity; life is best spent in devotion to one's principles." - Joseph Augustus Strickland
  • "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
  • "The first requisite of civilization is that of justice." - Sigmund Freud
  • "The poverty of our century is unlike that of any other." - John Kenneth Galbraith
  • "Morality without religion is only a kind of dead reckoning." - William Ralph Inge
  • "The true civilization is where every man gives to every other every right that he claims for himself." - Robert Green Ingersoll
  • "Order without liberty and liberty without order are equally destructive." - Theodore Roosevelt
  • Quotes on Guilt and Forgiveness

  • "Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death." - Coco Chanel
  • "True remorse is never just a regret over consequence; it is a regret over motive." - Mignon McLaughlin
  • "Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." - Mark Twain
  • "Guilt is a destructive and unnecessary emotion." - Lynn Johnston
  • "Forgiveness is the final form of love." - Reinhold Niebuhr
  • "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mahatma Gandhi
  • "To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you." - Lewis B. Smedes
  • "It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend." - William Blake
  • "Without forgiveness, there’s no future." - Desmond Tutu
  • "Guilt, the sense of it, the conscience of it, the Pulse of it, can wreck lives." - John Steinbeck
  • "Nothing erases the sin from the soul that is part of you, but forgiveness prunes our hearts." - Ana Claudia Antunes
  • "Guilt is always hungry. Don’t let it consume you." - Terri Guillemets
  • Contemplative Quotes on Crime and Justice

  • "Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity." - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
  • "Resentment is destructive of personal and social well-being." - Kurt Vonnegut
  • "There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts." - Mahatma Gandhi
  • "Life is nothing if you're not obsessed." - John Waters
  • "The only difference between the criminal and fog in contemporary society is in the punishment." - Tigar Allen
  • "Justice is sweet and musical; but injustice is harsh and discordant." - Henry David Thoreau
  • "The barbarian cannot make; he can only mar." - G.K. Chesterton
  • "Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King Jr.
  • "A sense of justice is a present that sometimes gets old." - W. H. Auden
  • "The administration of justice is the firmest pillar of government." - George Washington
  • "Justice requires integrity as much as the law requires justice." - John Devaney
  • "Judgment lingers far behind; Justice comes rushing to the needy." - Author Unknown
  • In Summary, crime and punishment are themes that have intrigued humanity for centuries, creating a dialogue that challenges the boundaries of morality, justice, and redemption. The selected quotes in this collection offer insights from literary giants, philosophers, and contemporary thinkers, painting a multifaceted picture of how society perceives and deals with crime. By exploring these perspectives, we gain a deeper understanding of the human condition and the complex web of actions and consequences that define our social and personal landscapes.

    Final words

    Crime and punishment continue to be critical concerns in our world, driving important conversations about justice, integrity, and human rights. This collection of quotes serves as a powerful reminder of the varied interpretations and thoughts that exist on these topics. In reflecting on these quotes, it's essential to consider their implications for contemporary society and our individual contributions to justice. Let us strive to foster a world where justice and compassion prevail, learning from the wisdom of those who have pondered these issues before us.

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