Dazed and Confused is a 1993 coming-of-age film, written and directed by Richard Linklater, that has become a cult classic over the years. The movie is set in 1976 and follows various high school students on the last day of school. It has left an indelible mark on pop culture, not just for its nostalgic look at youth and rebellion but also for its memorable lines. In this article, we dive into some of the best quotes from Dazed and Confused, organized under 10 unique themes. Whether you're a fan of the film or just discovering it, these quotes will give you a glimpse of its timeless appeal.
Iconic One-Liners
"Alright, alright, alright." - Wooderson
"That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age." - Wooderson
"You cool, man?" - Slater
"It'd be a lot cooler if you did." - Wooderson
"Say, man, you got a joint?" - Mitch Kramer
"Just keep livin', L-I-V-I-N." - Wooderson
"Fry like bacon, you little freshman piggies! Fry!" - Seniors
"Check ya later!" - Slater
"All I'm saying is that if I ever start referring to these as the best years of my life— remind me to kill myself." - Randy 'Pink' Floyd
"That's what I love about these high school girls, man." - Wooderson
"Watch the leather, man!" - Don Dawson
"All right, all right, all right." - Wooderson
Memories of Youth
" If I ever start referring to these as the best years of my life — remind me to kill myself." - Pink
"This place, as they say, is the gees.”
"You just gotta keep livin' man, L-I-V-I-N." - Wooderson
"We're lookin' good, they're lookin' good." - Don
"How's it goin' Mr. Payne?" - Mike Newhouse
"What are we gonna do?” - Tony Olson
"I only came here to do two things, man. Kick some ass and drink some beer. Looks like we’re almost outta beer." - Mitch
"All right, listen closely. Pop quiz: What are you doing here?" - Darla
"You have got to be number one. I won't tolerate any losers in this family. Your intensity is for sh**. Win. Win. Win!" - Darla
"I did it when I was a freshman, and I’m gonna do it again!" - Freshman
"You're not going to remember any of this. You're not even going to remember why we're fighting." - Mike Newhouse
"I mean, a line should be drawn, and when it’s drawn, there’s gonna be stopped." - Tony Olson
High School Parties
"Party at the Moon Tower!" - Slater
"I’m tellin’ you, man, we should get something goin’ there. Because life’s too short." - Don Dawson
"Good stuff. These high school chicks are a blast." - Pickford
"Don, we’re the kings of the street, man." Don Dawson
"Remember me?" - Mike Newhouse
"Top priority of the year: get Aerosmith tickets." - Tony Olson
"Here, try this. You'll have fun." - Wooderson
"Man, it's the same bullshit they try to pull with jobs in the army: racist white guys." - Kaye
"Saw that sh** up!" - Don Dawson
"I'm just gonna go with it and blame the party." - Darla
"You know you're the man!"
"C'mon, take the edge off, it'll get you into a groove." - Slater
Chasing Dreams
"Maybe he’s got a beer." - Slater
"Yeah! I want to dance!" - Michelle
"Neff College. I mean, after all, we’ve got our whole lives to do things." - Slater
"I wanna dance with her!" - O'Bannion
"Your soul’s got an aura of love and peace." - Tony Olson
"You wanna do something? Let’s dance!" - Slater
"Look, just by going, we’re like saying the idea is to get wasted and have a good time." - Mike Dexter
"Some day, man, I’m gonna get through there." - Wooderson
"To chase a dream, you gotta kick some ass." - Benny O'Donnell
"Well, all I want is to get out of town." - Mike Dexter
"You're the one who’s hippie. You’re not mad about rights or voicing your opinion?" - Darla
"Take my advice, brother, enough is enough." - Kaye
Friendship and Camaraderie
"I get older, they stay the same age. Yes, they do." - Wooderson
"You are the friends we remember. I thought you were like my closest friend." - Tony
"You know you’re my best friend out of everybody. Any place we were strangers!" - Darla
"There’s just something cool about this place, man." - Mike Dexter
"I feel like we’ve known each other forever." - Darla
"My friends, it’s Friday night, and I can’t bring myself to just pull the plug." - Wooderson
"But if you need any help with drinking or smoking, I’m there for you." - Slater
"You can go wherever we’re going, together." - Tony
"Being with friends is what makes it all funnier." - Don Dawson
"Is everybody joining us?" - Darla
"Yeah, aah, my friends, well, I was all for getting ‘em out." - Wooderson
"We’re helping freshmen to be friends with us." - Mike Dexter
School and Teachers
"It’s like our teachers think we’re just in there to learn." - Slater
"You think the teachers are brain surgeons? Then they can help us." - Mike Dexter
"True. Nothing but school—forty-four minutes and counting." - Don Dawson
"I’ll tell you what. I’m going to be the one teacher that you do tell people about." - Ms. Ginny Stroud
"Neff School just wouldn’t be the same without you guys. It’s what makes it great." - Mr. Thornton
"Wanna bet we won’t see any real studs? Anyway, no thanks." - Benny O'Donnell
"True enough. Pain, separation, control." - Darla
"Still, let’s go get those books home, and burn it." - Slater
"At any school. We just have the fun kids." - Wooderson
"This school is a gees, but we just keep partying, anyway." - Mike Dexter
"You’re back there listening to some pervi’s. Shame could be blamed." - Michelle
"Maybe. It's like no school no problem, buddy." - Darla
Life Lessons
"You know what? I’m just as satisfied not knowing." - Don Dawson
"Life’s all about choices, you gotta keep up what we’re doing." - Slater
"Just use some common sense and keep cool." - Darla
"I’ve got good intentions. I know what it takes to succeed." - Don Dawson
"Trust me. Life’s too short anyway." - Darla
"We decide who we are becoming. Don't fool yourself." - Mike Dexter
"Have no fear. I know just how pivotal my life is." - Benny
"More than a movie, it’s our milestone." - Kaye
"You’ve got to make good choices." - Darla
"Stay strong and fight what’s troubling you." - Wooderson
"Life’s about excited what can we do now." - Kaye
"You made it awesome. Goal to study or party with." - Wooderson
Romance and Relationships
"You’re all I see in my dreams." - Michelle
"This is such an infatuation. But really, I’m just curious." - Darla
"It’s true, you’re not just a girl. But she may have known it." - Mitch Kramer
"Love doesn’t care. And I don’t either. Let’s be together." - Michelle
"You know you’ll always be my babe." - Kaye
"We’ll be the couple everyone looks at twice." - Tony
"Believe you got what it takes in love." - Darla
"I really have that feeling, it’s adrenaline." - Mitch Kramer
"Updown, woman, for the day and night." - Darla
"You're that special person in my mind." - Tony Olson
"We’re compatible, for sure." - Michelle
"Relationships. Feel right there." - Mitch Kramer
Rebellion and Freedom
"Who cares, show us all the fun." - Benny
"Whatever, we’ll do what we want." - Wooderson
"Rebel, it’s our season." - Slater
"Excited more like it. But look there’s fun." - Mike Dexter
"I want to hop on some cars, live life big." - All
"Let’s do it, nobody’s stopping us." - Don Dawson
"Hey, explore yourself. Don’t be sky rocketed in school." - Darla
"Youngfang, what you’re loving today?" - Slater
"C’mon get wild. Oh we’re this on!" - Michelle
"Ah let some madness speak for yourself." - Tony
"Can’t be a lesson. Let us fair." - Kaye
"It’s worthy, get a stick louder. And live light." - Don Dawson
"This is the weirdest. You look so lost now." - Darla
"Think back, is it really worth?" - Mitch Kramer
"It’s funny, go on talk to yourself." - Tony Olson
"Man see yourself getting across." - Wooderson
"Moving on steps, dream it." - Mike Dexter
"Stillness, yourself reflecting you." - Darla
"Life's corner talks to all." - Slater
"Learn about your old self." - Don Dawson
"If you’re thinking. Isn’t it worthwhile?" - Kaye
"People just don’t openly talk to themselves. Do you?" Wooderson
"Reflection is deep knowing oneself." - Mitch Kramer
"Mirror speaks the time tale." - Benny
Final words
Dazed and Confused is more than just a movie; it’s an iconic reflection of the age-old teenage experiences of growing up, freedom, and rebellion. Through its memorable lines and characters, it captures an era while maintaining timeless relevance. From the excitement of school parties to the depth of self-reflection, these quotes provide us with a spectrum of emotions and scenarios we can all relate to. Whether it’s the wit of Wooderson or the idealism of Pink, Dazed and Confused invites us to revisit our past and ponder our youthful exuberance. Remember, life’s all about the choices we make, so keep living and treasure the little moments. "Just keep livin', L-I-V-I-N." - Wooderson.