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Over 100 Unforgettable Wedding Crashers Quotes for Every Occasion
Weddings are events overflowing with emotions, connections, and countless opportunities to create unforgettable memories. One of cinema’s most iconic takes on these joyous occasions is the movie "Wedding Crashers," a timeless comedy filled with witty lines, romance, and wild escapades. In this article, we delve into some of the most memorable and inspired "Wedding Crashers" quotes. Perfect for adding humor to toasts, captioning Instagram posts, or just having a laugh, these quotes can be embraced by romantics, aspiring "event infiltrators," or anyone seeking lighthearted fun.
Funny Wedding Crashers Quotes
"Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion!"
"True love is your soul's recognition of its counterpart in another."
"We’re not crashing funerals. It’s a whole-different skill set."
"Maaa! The meatloaf! We want it now!"
"You know how they say we only use 10% of our brains? I think we only use 10% of our hearts."
"People don’t realize we’re volunteers. It’s selfless work."
"It's a celebration—a toast to love and laughter!"
"I'm sorry I called you an uglass, repulsive sack of human filth."
"Be sure to check yourself before you wreck yourself."
"We won’t."""Beyond forgling Towes+erealinductions==erings
Explore a curated list of more than 100 iconic quotes from 'Wedding Crashers' that are perfect for adding humor and charm to any moment. Dive into cinematic wit and use these lines to enhance your conversations.